Saturday, 1 June 2013

Cpa Convert | The Best Cpa Gateway

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Cpa Convert | The Best Cpa Gateway
CPA Convert is the most powerful CPA conversioon tool available. Designed to convert your traffic from visitors to CPA profits, it makes your visitors fill-in your CPA offers. No other CPA tool comes close.
CPA Convert | The Best CPA Gateway Home | Testimonials | Contact Us | Members Login | Order Now . An Internet Marketers Wet Dream: CPA Profits on Complete Autopilot. Yes! Its Finally Possible! Imagine Imagine a Magical System That Takes Your Visitors and CONVERTS THEM to CPA Profits on Complete Autopilot Youd like one of these, wouldnt youb Well Quit Dreaming A“ this System is now Reality! Introducing CPA Convert! This One is a Must Have - It Is Powerful I highly recommend this script. I have used it myself to make lots of money from CPA offers and this one is a must have. It is powerful. Imran Naseem, via public forum post Click Here for more testimonials You know how it works: you set up a site, put on AdWords ads and CPA offers, and start driving traffic in. You sit back waiting for the riches to come A“ but things dont quite work that way. Conversions are low, income is low, and your dreams of retirement are put on hold. Fact is, there are a million ways to get traffic to your site A“ but if conversions are low, whats the pointb CPA marketing partially addresses this hurdle, by removing the sale from the marketing equation. As the saying goes the hardest part is the sell, and if you get paid for leads and not sales, things should be better, rightb Correct, and this is why CPA marketing is all the buzz lately A“ but this is far from enough. Its pretty hard targeting your traffic to these CPA forms, and yet harder to get untargeted visitors to fill in these forms. Targeted traffic is low, conversions are even lower, and the fact remains that most CPA marketers cannot earn their living on the net, let alone grow rich. But what if there was a way to get regular visitors to fill-in your CPA offersb What if there was a way to set up a site, drive in ANY traffic, and then watch it massively convert on TRUE autopilotb With that in mind, we set out to create CPA Convert! We thought long and hard; We read marketing books; We read psychology books; We talked to experts and again and again we wound up with a simple truth: If only there was a way to make this a Win-Win situation so that your untargeted traffic would want to fill in the forms - your conversions would skyrocket! A Unique Win-Win Situation CPA Convert was built with firm belief that the best way to do business is when both sides win. But how do you get this Win-Win, when your visitors are not targeted to the CPA offerb The answer was clear: If its not the CPA offer they want, give them something else for filling-in the offer form. Give them Content, but preferably without forcing you to create content. Your WIN is obvious: You get AMAZING CPA conversions on autopilot. Your visitors WIN is also clear: They get free access to valuable content, for just filling in a short CPA form. But how does it workb And where do you get such contentb In a nutshell: Very easily, and surprisingly - you dont really need any content. A LIVE EXAMPLE Its a simple idea: people visit your page, like what they see and want to read your content or download a free product. Then, suddenly, your content gets locked and theyre offered free and unlimited access to it for just filling-in a short CPA offer. This works AMAZINGLY WELL! But dont take our word for it - heres a live example: MadMen is a very popular TV series with hordes of followers. Each day, numerous people search for MadMen episodes, either to watch online or to download to their computers. Lets say youre a MadMen fan looking for an episode to watch, and you come upon the following webpage: Click Here to see Live Demo In all truth - how many links did you Clickb Your visitors fill-in one or more CPA offers, and after a short while the lock panel disappears and they gain full access to your pages. This proves extremely effective in monetizing your content and converting CPA offers. Whats more, it is extremely effective even if you dont have any content! Income Increased Over 300% Surely I have to say this is awesome. Previously I was using CPALead gateway only. After getting this script I was using various networks with various websites. The percentage of income generated using this method increased up to 300%. Really Awesome and Excellent Script! atheist, via public forum post Click Here for more testimonials Monetize Any Content Or No Content At All The MadMen demo demonstrates how CPA Convert can produce CPA profits on autopilot even if you dont have any content at all. All it took to create this page were 10 minutes, for posting a few alluring headings (ALL Seasons: Regular + HD PLUS Bloopers and Outtakes! etc.), a few MadMen pics, and providing links to a YouTube search on MadMen episodes and a YouTube downloader service. So simple - yet similar pages produced conversions as high as 64% on select CPA Offers! And if No Content provides such conversions, think about what having unique content might do to your business: Remember that PLR eBook you once purchased and never managed to sellb CPA Convert lets you make money by giving it free! Just stick it on a webpage or blog post, lock it with CPA Convert and start driving traffic. Your visitors will love getting a freebie, and your conversions will jump sky high. Got an interesting movie or saw a nice video on YouTubeb Just post it on your webpage, set up CPA Convert and watch your conversions roll in. Better yet A“ use it like Cable TV and hotels have been doing for years with pay-per-view movies: set CPA Convert to allow your visitors to start watching the video, and just when things get interesting the page will lock, blocking the video until they fill-in an offer A“ a small price to pay for watching a cool video. Finally theres a way to effectively monetize YouTube videos! Own a Blogb Dont wait for people to click on your AdWords ads as they read your page A“ CPA Convert enables you to make them pay for your content by filling your CPA offer forms. Your AdWords ads can stay too, but youll quickly see the CPA profits overshadowing them. Got Music Downloads or know where to point tob People love these, and they convert great! The possibilities are endless, and CPA Convert provides an entire book with ideas, tips and tricks on how to monetize. The Magic of $0.05 AdWords Its the good old days all over again... A truly unique feature of CPA Convert is that it enables you to pay only $0.01-$0.05 CPC for FIRST PAGE placement on Google AdWords and Yahoo Search Marketing, yet gain conversions on highly competitive, high paying and normally very expensive fields. If this sounds too good to be true - once you read this technique youll just smack your forehead. The technique is extremely simple, yet highly effective, and the reason you havent heard of it is that its possible only by using CPA Convert! The Monetization Bible eBook tells it all, along with detailed examples of successfully implementing this technique. Read it once, and youll immediately rush to start using this unique technique on all your campaigns. The bottom line is, that with $0.01-0.05 first-page PPC traffic, its just like the first days of the net all over again: expenses are low, payments are high and making money is easy again. Safe to Use on Any Network Hmmm... This really sounds great. But wouldnt it get me bannedb Not At ALL! CPA Convert is safe to use on any network. Heres what MaxBounty, one of the leading CPA Networks, had to say about us: One example isnt enough for youb Heres what, another leading Network, had to say about us: While MaxBounty and XY7 are two of our favorite CPA Networks, this approach is universal: No matter which network you use, the guidelines are very similar and CPA Convert can be easily used on an extraordinarily large variety of CPA offers. And what if I want to promote non-incentivized offersb CPA Convert can make easy money on incentivized offers, but if you want to make even easier money promoting non-incentivized offers, this too is possible. And if you value your privacy - CPA Convert includes a unique referrer hiding feature designed to cover your tracks and never let the CPA networks know where your leads came from. Its bulletproof, and is built to deal with all situations without a single leak. The bottom line is that from HUNDREDS of man-months of using CPA Converts pre-release version on THOUSANDS of sites - not a single user reported getting banned from a network. These are extraordinary consistent and solid results! A CPA Gateway Like No Other CPA Convert is extremely effective and provides features and options unavailable anywhere else. The download package contains the CPA Convert Gateway Script, along with a detailed Users Manual and the extensive Monetization Bible - Your Guide to Making Money with CPA Convert. Heres what you will get: Building Block 1: The CPA Convert Gateway Script (powerful software code) The CPA Convert gateway script is designed to make your traffic convert immensely better than with any other method. Establishing a unique Win-Win situation, it makes your visitors convert with conversion rates as high as 64% on select CPA Offers! The CPA Convert Gateway provides the following features: Extremely easy installation and configuration (CPA Convert is a snap to install.) Even completely non-technical newbies can install it and start profiting in minutes! Fully automatic operation (no need for maintenance ever.) Thats CPA profits on Full Autopilot for you! Immediately increases conversion rates. Compare your conversions before and after CPA Convert - youll be amazed! Uses proven Win-Win principles (making your visitors WANT to convert) Again - Just compare your conversions before and after CPA Convert and youll be AMAZED! Works on ALL networks. Not just one network, not two. ALL networks! Keep EVERYTHING you earn. No undue scrubbing, shaving or profit sharing - 100% of your earnings are yours. White Hat, Black Heart. This whitehat product will also do WONDERS with all your blackhat campaigns. Effectively hides referrer when you want it to. Its bulletproof and NEVER leaks - so all your undercover operations will remain undercover and safely hidden. Tease Timer option (get the page to lock only after a few seconds or minutes.) Use it on video sites and YouTube vids to get a pay-per-view effect just like cable TV does (CPA-per-view anybodyb). Full control over locking parameters. You can use the default parameters as is - but if youre a control freak, CPA Convert is for you! Full control over graphics, colors, text and pics. So the lock panel can be as beautiful as your webpages are. Unique Test-Mode. Easily check your pages before making them live. Works on all self-edited webpages. Just add one line to the page header, and youre good. Works on most blog software. Finally theres a way to monetize your WordPress Blog. The CPA Convert gateway script is extremely potent - but thats not all: To ensure you make the most of this unique product, it comes with a detailed Users Manual explaining everything and anything you need to know about configuring and installing CPA Convert, and a Monetization Guide with numerous monetization techniques, tips and ideas: Building Block 2: The Users Manual - Your Guide to Installing and Using CPA Convert (42 power-packed pages) This module is designed to give you a solid base in what CPA Convert is about, along with a step-by-step on installing and configuring it to work on your webpages, sites and blogs. It provides everything required for an easy installation, and is geared so that even completely non-technical newbie marketers can set the system working. The Users Manual includes: An introduction to CPA Convert (and why it is so effective) read this on page 5. A live example of locked pages (see it work live) and it starts on page 9. An overview in the installation (so simple itll amaze you) this and more on page 11. How to set up your CPA offers (all it takes is writing them down) full details on page 13. How to configure power options (timers, colors, text and all - set it just the way you want it) and it all starts here, on page 18. Monetizing videos and YouTube clips (understanding this one simple concept will make you rich) just like PayPerView - secrets revealed on page 24. Keeping under the radars of the CPA networks (if youre doing blackhat, theyll NEVER know where your leads came from) bulletproof and simple its on page 27. Locking your pages, Uploading and Testing its all there, from page 32. Got a WordPress Blogb Everything you needs on page 39. Theres so much more but you get the picture by now A“ the fully illustrated Users Manual tells you everything you need to know to set CPA Convert immediately, and then access each and every one of its myriad of power options! Building Block 3: The Monetization Bible - Your Guide to Making Money with CPA Convert (35 info-crammed pages) While installing and configuring CPA Convert is easy and even fun, heres where the rubber really hits the road with real insider monetization secrets. Jam-packed with methods, techniques, tips and tricks for making money with CPA Convert, this eBook is a real bonanza, and could easily be sold separately. Heres a taste of what this book provides: How psychology makes people do the most stupid things ever, must read text on page 5. Beware of geeks bearing gifts (Human psychology, outsmarting others and pretty Trojan horses) take a close look at page 6. A Win-Win Situation (making them want to convert) dont miss page 8. Choosing Niches and Content (to boost your PROFITS through the roof) a whole chapter of sage advice starts on page 11. Unique contentb Great but not necessary (you can still have a ball without it) find out why and how on page 12. A day at the movies (and how even YouTube vids can put money in your pockets) CPA-per-view for you on page 13. Why visitors love music downloads (and how you can profit from this without breaking any copyright laws!) page 15 is for you. Monetize your Blogs (without waiting for clicks on your AdWords ads) its here on page 16. Give PLR for free (and watch the cash roll in) you gotta read this on page 17. Take it from Paris Hilton (a tour of the dark side with some kickass blackhat techniques) decide for yourself on page 18. The four pain points in choosing CPA offers (and why this concerns your banker) find out what they are in this chapter, starting page 20. Network policies (and how to read them) these start on page 22. Incentivized vs. Non-Incentivized Offers (this ones REALLY HUGH, especially for blackhatters) judge for yourself which route you want to follow on page 23. Traffic, Traffic, Traffic (see which traffic works best and learn how to gain lots of it for the lowest price - or free) an entire chapter waits for you on page 25. Searching trends (and how this can make you or break you) learn more on page 26. Bonus - The $0.05 AdWords method that we use to make a killing (works only with CPA Convert - and its just like the old days of the net all over again!) read and savor on page 28. Monetizing the Back End (moneys waiting on the table even after your visitors convert) page 29 is where its at. Putting it all together (this detailed example shows it all - step by step) enjoy this, starting on page 32. Zero fluff and chock-full with unique data and insights, this monetization special is worth SO MUCH potential cash in your pockets. Extensively covering both Whitehat and Blackhat methods, this is one guide you WANT to get your hands on! We Take All The Risk Heres Peace of Mind for you: If for any reason you feel that CPA Convert isnt all weve said - and more - just send us an email within 60 days and youll get a quick, hassle-free No Questions Asked full refund. Thats Two full months to put CPA Convert to use and see the results piling in. We give this full guarantee very easily - less than 3% of our users ask for a refund. For a product including software - this is outstanding! The reason for this loyal following is simple: CPA Convert is easy to use, and delivers results. Our motto is You bring the traffic - Well make it convert!. CPA Convert does this so effectively, that once you start using it you too will be hooked! But, wait... theres more. To make the decision simpler and quicker heres a special bonus - but only for the first fifty people who are smart enough to realize the value of CPA Convert and jump on this, right away. Early Bird First-Fifty VIP Bonus: The CPA Network Passport - Your Guide to Getting Accepted to CPA Networks (Value $47 but yours FREE provided you are one of the first 50 people to grab this). Joining CPA networks doesnt have to be hard work mixed with multiple refusals. With the right guidance it becomes easy, while achieving consistently high acceptance rates. To help you turn sorry to welcome, the CPA Network Passport provides a multitude of tip and tricks, along with a extremely extensive resources list. If youre on of the first 50 CPA Convert buyers, heres what you will get: An introduction to CPA networks and CPA offers (learn what they are with an illustrated example) here on page 5. The most extensive CPA Network resources list anywhere. Over 200 networks, frequently updated (learn which networks dont require a phone call, which do, which are adult CPA sites and more) spanning several pages from page 7. Filling the application form (fully featured step by step, taking the pain out of all pain points) carefully study pages 17-22. The Pros and Cons of using networks that dont require a phone interview (youd be surprised at these findings) find out on page 23. Preparing for the Phone interview and Undergoing it (this is where most people fall down) so make sure you dont by reading this, starting page 24. Now You Have a Choice Either you pass up on this offer and carry on as before... passively accepting your current conversion rate and waiting for that big break. OR... You can grab this (totally risk free offer) with both hands and step up to a bright new world where all you need to do is drive in traffic, then lay back and watch it convert on autopilot to higher and higher figures in our CPA accounts. This 100% risk-free offer includes: The unique and extremely powerful CPA Convert Gateway Script The Users Manual - Your Guide to Installing and Using CPA Convert The Monetization Bible - Your Guide to Making Money with CPA Convert And if youre one of the first 50 buyers also the CPA Network Passport - Your Guide to Getting Accepted to CPA Networks. Whether youre a newbie or very experienced, whether youre a technical minded or have two left hands - We guarantee that youll just LOVE CPA Convert! Over 97% of our buyers to-date do! Yes! I want to start making money on Complete Autopilot CPA! I hope Im quick enough to get the CPA Network Passport bonus offer. Im thankful for your generous offer of a 60 day love it or my money back guarantee, and on that basis, heres my order. IMAGINE! Imagine a Magical System that Takes Your Visitors and CONVERTS THEM to CPA Profits on Complete Autopilot Imagine Using the Immense Power of Unique Win-Win Situations to Get Outstanding Conversions on Autopilot Imagine its all Highly Customizable, and Takes just 5 Minutes To Install Youd like one of these, wouldnt youb Well Quit Dreaming A“ this System is now Reality! CPA Convert is Here! Home | Contact Us | Affiliates This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google or YouTube, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google or YouTube. CPA ConvertTM Trademark of, SPALOX and its legal owners WebHorizons Ltd.. Copyright A© 2009-2011 All Rights Reserved.

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