Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The Middle Voice Method - Index.html

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The Middle Voice Method - Index.html
The Middle Voice Method - index.html The Middle VoiceMethod the secret to great singing Marjorie Searcy Marjorie Searcy brings unique vocal experience to the field of vocal coaching. Marjorie is a graduate of Belmont University in Nashville where she studied commercial voice and music education. Having performed everything from classical to country, rock and jazz, her emphasis is on providing singers with the technique to effectually communicate the style they enjoy. Marjorie is a gifted instructor with the ability to help singers work through their breaks, gain control, flexibility and support. Marjorie's method,The Middle Voice Method (MVM), will give you real manageable steps that will actually change and improve the way you sing. Marjorie has coached many students to award winning prominence. Her students include recording artists, professional songwriters and entertainers, and scholarship winners. Marjorie's Story Hello, my name is Marjorie Searcy and I am a singer. I love to sing and really wanted to be a professional--not just a good singer, but a truly great vocal artist. I knew how to sing with the classical, head voice approach and I knew how to have a pretty cool sound singing popular songs that were down low (in my chest voice), but when I tried to sing a challenging pop song that had any higher notes in it, I would flip over to my head voice and sound like an opera singer trying to sing R and B. Not good. I was afraid of that break in my voice and when I would approach it, I would wimp out and sound pitiful. Here I was with a college degree in music and still having the same problems I was having in high school. I didnt think there was a different way to sing. I thought this was just the way I was made and there was not anything I could do about it. Then I met a vocal guru. He showed me a different way. The light bulbs went off as I began to sing exercises that taught me to blend the low and high parts of my voice. A whole new world of singing opened up to me. Gradually as I learned to sing in this Middle Part of my voice, my confidence grew. I had a low voice, a high voice and a MIDDLE VOICE that bridged the two. That was the beginning of my journey to being the singer I always wanted to be. Soon I began to see how to help other people with the same issues. I developed more exercises and techniques to compliment what I learned from the guru. As I started to teach other singers, my method worked! This method, THE MIDDLE VOICE METHOD, is what I have used to teach hundreds of singers. Now is it available for YOU to become the singer you want to be. How the Vocal Exercises Work You get expert teaching on the Middle Voice Method--step by step instruction on how your voice works, what you need to do to tap into its potential and then two complete workouts targeting various parts of your voice. Think of your voice the way an athlete thinks of his or her muscles. They have to keep them in shape and build them up to accomplish what they want to do on the playing field. They dontdo justany exercises either. Their trainers know which exercises will benefit them the most and use those exercises to improve their game. Marjories Middle Voice Method targets exercises that open up this middle part of the voice to create a seamless sound from top to bottom. What You Will Receive: 7 Complete Lessons Introducing You to the MIDDLE VOICE METHOD Here is an overview of the audio lessons; lessons that students of this method pay $100/hour or more to learn. You will grow as a singer like never before. Take a look at the thumbnail sketches of these great lessons. Introduction to the Middle Voice Method Breath Support and Control; Belly Breathing The first lesson gives simple and valuable instruction on the breathing technique singers need to utilize. Often called belly breathing or diaphragmatic breathing, great breath support and control is essential to creating a powerful controlled singing voice. Vocal Registers: Head, Chest The Middle Voice Learn what your vocal registers are, how to connect your breaks and create a beautiful consistent tone through out all of your range. This lesson focuses on blending the registers and lengthening the vocal range. Expanding the Range Lesson 4 introduces the great range expanders - the lip roll and the tongue trill. These are awesome exercises for singing higher and lower than you ever have before. Middle Voice: The Blend of HeadChest Voices Marjories story of finally finding the connection between the head voice and chest voice registers. This lesson includes examples of head, chest and middle voice on the same note. Understanding and Using Vibrato This is a simple straightforward approach to finding and taming the vibrato. Learning to control vibrato and use straight tone can really help a singer communicate a song effectively. Lesson 6 includes great exercises for vibrato and straight tone. Vocal Care Tips for Singers Practical steps to help you take care of your voice. Included in this lesson: Warm-up routines How much water to drinkb Eliminating straining Visual clues to great singing Experiment and eliminate bad habits You Also Receive: 10 Advanced Lessons Addressing THETOP10 PROBLEMS SINGERS FACE HOW TO SOLVE THEM In addition to the foundational lessons in the Middle Voice Method, you will receive theThe Top 10 Problems Singers Face and How to Solve Them. After years of expert instruction and gleaning from thousands of students' experience, common problems emerged. The solutions to these 10 most common problems are taught in detail. Here's what you will learn. The TOP 10 Problems Singers Face How to Solve Them Clearand concise exercises are introduced as well as tips and examples to improve the voice and overcome the most common difficulties that singers encounter. This program is guaranteed to improve your range, tone and flexibility and to help you enjoy a life time of great singing. Vocal Registers Here is a great overview of the vocal registers before we tackle the 10 problems. Marjorie gives brief descriptions of the Head, Chest and Middle Voice. No Power Many singers struggle with having a weak tone and not a lot of power or volume. By connecting our singing voice to our speaking voce we can tap into a natural and strain-free full tone. Examples of how to connect speaking and singing voice. Sample practice exercise for a confident beautiful sound. Stress and Strain Singers strain when the engage external muscles to do the work of the internal vocal folds. Signs of strain are tightening of the jaw, raising or lowering the chin and tension in the neck or chest or facial muscles How to Last This lesson gives the singer several tips to help his or her last note sound as strong, robust and painless as the first. Expanding the Vocal Range A consistent challenging workout that is free of stress and strain will increase range, flexibility and control. Explore uncharted territory in your vocal range with the lip roll. Chest Voice Trap This lesson helps singers who regularly pull-up" notes in their chest voice. It offers help and relief for singers who strain by trying to sing too high in their chest voice. This lesson gives great examples and exercises for finding the mixed voice. Singers will also hear examples of the chest and middle voice. Listen and sing these examples and you will be on your way to connecting your registers with a smooth, consistent and healthy sound. Weak Head Voice Innovative sounds to connect you to your head voice. Tips for strengthening your head voice and working out your upper range. Stuck in a Classical Head Voice Finding and using the chest voice can be new and awkward if a singer has primarily used their head voice. These tips and exercises will help you expand your range and gain power and control on the lower notes of your register. Vibrato and Straight Tone This discussion about how and when a singer should use vibrato could quickly change the way you sing. This lesson includes the 1-2-3-4-5 exercise example on straight tone, vibrato and the combination of the two. Tips for Getting Those Low Notes This quick little tip can help you gain a note or two in that lower register. Remember to speak it, not to force it. Get Over Your Voice It is all about the lyrics. Learn to communicate the song and create a powerful connection with your audience. Motivation to Work On Your Voice Your voice is guaranteed to improve with these methods and exercises. Will you make the commitment to discovering your potentialb Training Your Voice Do you remember learning to ride a bikeb It was no fun at first. Falling down, getting back up, falling down, getting back up, etc., etc. There were tears. There were skinned knees. There were, hopefully, encouraging words from your parents. Then, all of a sudden, a light bulb went off in your body and you could do it. Your muscles were TRAINED and your brain was TRAINED to ride a bike. It was like flying! And from that moment you never forgot how to do it. It is same with your voice. Once you experience the Middle Voice, your throat and vocal cords, brain and mouth and everything else that is involved in singing will start to work together.You have a new skill that you havetrained your voice to acomplish and you will have it forever. Fortunately for you, you wont have to hit the pavement and skin your knees to develop this skill. Just a30 minutesa day for several days in a row and you WILL learn. It is not hard. You can do it in your car, in your home, wherever you can get a few minutes and those around you dont mind you making weird sounds! Its as simple as that. Vocal Coach in a Box You may live in a music center, like L.A. or Nashville and have access to vocal coaches that teach the principles in this method. They are out there. I learned from one myself. But they are expensive. Expect to pay anywhere from $150 to $300+ per hour. And you will need several sessions to begin to see improvement. You can learn with the Middle Voice Method in the comfort of your own home for a fraction of that cost. Traditional voice teachers, found in most cities, do not understand this method and will generally teach you sing in your head voice all the time. If a voice teacher says to you Learn to sing the right way first with classical music, then you can sing anything, any style, better, dont believe them. It simply is not true. If you want to sing in an operatic style, great. But if you want to sing in a popular style, the Middle Voice Method is the ticket. The Middle Voice Method: The Secret to Great Singing Are you ready to get startedb Are you ready for an adventureb A new singing voice awaits you. Learn the technique and sing the exercises. Dont be discouraged if the exercises feel strange at first. Just be faithful to work-out your voice with them. It wont be long before the light bulb goes off and you are singing with confidence in your Middle Voice. For private voice lessons I charge $100/hour, more when I travel. I am confident that my method works and that I am giving my clients a great value. I work hard and give my clients 100%. Even in my small town, I have a waiting list. Butit does take several lessons to start seeing the progress I expect. The good news for you is that I have distilled the essentials of what I teach into what amounts to 4 CDs of materialteaching and vocal work-outs for about halfthe cost of 1 lesson! How Does It Workb Does merely learning about The Middle Voice Method automatically improve your singingb As important as it is to learn the right things, like an athelete, improvement will not happen without consistent practice. We've made that easy for you. You'll get easy to understand instruction and seperate warm-up and work-outs for men and women. In addition to the the Middle Voice Method Complete Workout, you will receive the The Top 10 Problems Singers Face and How to Solve Them Complete Workout. These exercises are tailored to address the 10 most common problems singers face with laser-like precision. Steady application of these exercises will conquer these vocal challenges. BONUS EBOOK:SING LIKE A PRO As an added bonus, we have included an informative and insider look at the practical tools you need to be a great singer; strategies and information that can help you get a jump on the competition from talent shows to getting gigs. Chapters include the following: American Idol Auditions Vocal Cords What to Sing: The Identity Crisis The Talent Show Singers Wanted: How to Get Singing Jobs Vocal Technique: If I Learn to Classical Vocal Technique, Will I Be Able to Sing Any Style Wellb Improve Your Singing Range Vocal Exercises Become a Singer/Songwriter How to Sing the High Notes Guarantee If you are not 100% satisfied with The Middle Voice Method, we will refund your purchase price in full for up to 60 days. That's right, you have a full 60 days to try it out and see if you are not making progress in your singing voice. We are so confident in the techniques taught in The Middle Voice Method, that we KNOW you will improve. So, take it for a test drive for a full 60 days! Keeping the no-risk guarantee in mind, private instruction in this method costs $100 per hour or more. Take advantage of a lifetime of learning with this one time purchase. You will experience great benefit for many years. No shippingcosts. No waiting-you can be listening to the lessons in minutes! It's over the internet, so no worries over the product being damaged or lost in the mail. You can own The Middle Voice Method at a low price because its a lower cost for us to produce. The quickest and easiest way to order is directly from your computer at Clickbank's secure server. Clickbank is one of the safest, fastest, and easiest way to order products available for internet download. And, when you use Clickbanks' order form, we do not have acess to your credit card number at any point during the transaction. Product Delivery Lessons will be available instantly via streaming audio or you may download them to put on your ipod or make a CD to take with you. The Ebook is available as a pdf file. If you do not have the pdf reader, a link will be provided to download free. Check Out the Amazing Value! The Middle Voice Method Lessons $39 BONUS #1 The Top 10 Problems Singers Face andHow to Solve Them Lessons $99.95 Free BONUS #2 The Middle Voice Method Complete Workout $49.95 Free BONUS #3 The Top 10 Problems Singers Face and How to Solve Them Complete Workout $49.95 Free BONUS #4 Ebook: Sing Like a Pro $29.95 Free TOTAL $39 RISK FREE! We would love to hear from you about how The Middle Voice Method has helped with your singing success! Please write to us about how you are using your talent and the success you are having! Also, if you have any questions about The Middle Voice Method, don't hesitate to write us. We will promptly reply. If you have any questions about the products and services we offer, or would just like to get in touch, you may reach us at: Email: Studio Address: Marjorie Searcy 698 Cedar Ave. Fairhope, AL 36532 Privacy Policy A© Your Company, 2008

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