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The Ultimate Survivor's Guide
UPDATE: Food Crisis, Energy Crisis, and Debt Crisis Push America to the Brink Finally Revealed: The Ultimate Survival Secrets that Will Keep You and Your Family Safe and Healthy While the World Falls to Pieces... Announcing the Ultimate Survivor's Guide v 2.0 EMERGENCY MESSAGE: Most Americans are unprepared for the coming crisis and won't survive! Medved (name changed to protect identity) Dear Concerned American, I realize this might offend you, but how long would it take for your family to starve if the only food you had to eat was whats in your house right nowb That probably sounds rude or offensive, and if so, I apologize. But if its a question youve never asked yourself, then it was worth it to possibly offend you in order to help you see what youre facing. Were living in crazy times, and every day things get worse. I know youve been worried about it. If you werent worried, you wouldnt be here right now learning what it takes to keep you and your family safe. Youre a concerned American who wants to preserve whatever you can for yourself and your family. Protect me from whatb Thats probably the worst part. We dont exactly know whator when, where, who, how. We only know one thing IT is coming. And you better be ready. Consider these quick scenarios. Scenario 1: You live in a country that owes more than 100% of its GDP to foreign creditors (yes, that includes you!). A neighboring country defaults causing a currency crisis in the region. Every grocery store is guarded by military personnel and cash is carted in by the wheelbarrow in exchange for a few bags of food. Think America cant be occupied by roving bands of thugsb Ask Oakland. Scenario 2: You live on or near the coast. A 9.0 magnitude earthquake rumbles off shore a few miles. Youre at work when someone announces a tsunami is heading your way. Youve got 10 minutes to evacuate. Scenario 3: Roving gangs are rioting. Theyre looking for anything of value or anyone vulnerable. The stores and shops near you have been ransacked and its not safe to go out alone. Government efforts to restore peace are proving unsuccessful. Now I know what youre thinking right now. This is America! It wont happen here. I wonder if the people of Japan, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia thought scenario 1 would never happenb And I bet the people of Russia, Ireland, and Argentina were certain scenario 2 would never come to pass. As for scenario 3b Try the people of Greece, Oakland, and Los Angeles. This isnt some joke! But something tells me you already know this. You know its not a matter of IF, but WHEN disaster strikes. And the way our country is moving, we could be facing civil unrest and government force that is unprecedented in this country. You know its coming, the question is how prepared are youb What would happen to you and your family if any one of those scenarios played outb Would you survive ANY of themb Think about whats in your cupboard and pantry right now. How long would that last youb A weekb Twob Would you be forced to rely on the government to feed you, protect you, and heal youb Heaven help you if you are because you and I both know how thats going to end. It wont be pretty! Dont put yourself through thator your wife and kids for that matter. FEMA and the Liberals Wont Save Anyoneexcept Maybe Themselves Weve all seen the images from Katrina. Thousands of people waiting for the government to come save them. Wave a magic wand and turn everything back to normal. Clean water, food, and of course the cable TV. Well, it didnt happen, did itb In fact, despite a government hell-bent on guaranteeing everything, theyre capable of providing NOTHING in a disaster but empty words. Theres actually nothing wrong with that, because being prepared is a matter of personal responsibility. But the problem is when the government tells you theyll handle it when they know full well thats impossible. Not only do they lie to you about what they can do, they cheat you of the chance to save yourself. And worse, they make life easier for the looters and the thieves. The freeloaders. The heavy hand of government will soon get much heavier. Did you know that in the days before Katrina hit, government forces went to homes of registered gun owners and CONFISCATED their weaponsb It was to prevent rioting, they said. That way, the law abiding gun owners wouldnt be able to go shoot a bunch of innocent people. Instead, the government let the criminals (who dont have REGISTERED guns so they werent confiscated) loose and left people no way of defending themselves. The truth is, Katrina is nothing compared to what we are going to face eventually. Imagine that scenario playing out nationwide because of a currency crisis. Dont think the government will try to take your guns and foodb Go ask the former citizens of New Orleans. Arm Yourself With Knowledge First Today youll discover the Ultimate secrets to survival that elude 99% of the general population and how a small effort today will make all the difference down the road. Give me 5 minutes, and I promise youll be better prepared for whats coming than you were before today. Before we go on, you need to know one thing: getting prepared isnt as hard or as expensive as youve been led to believe. And it doesnt mean you have to dig a fallout shelter 50 feet underground. Getting prepared is about maintaining normalcy in your life even after a disaster. That means you have food, you have water, youre safe, you have clothes, and you have shelter. Now if you have millions of dollars, go right ahead and build that underground shelter and stock it. But if youre like me, thats not an option. And the good news is, if you follow my affordable plan, it wont matter! bI cant believe how much your book opened my eyes. The process you lay out is easy to follow and put into action. Thanks to you my family is prepared and safe.Larry, (name changed to protect identity) But first, I need to know What would peace of mind mean to youb How much stress, worry, and fear would be removed from your life if you knew youd be taken care of in a disasterb That peace of mind and quiet confidence is much closer than you realize. Were not talking about huge sums of money here. With a steady effort and only a few extra dollars per month, youll be there much sooner than you think. But let me warn you of one thing. Be prepared for the strange looks from people you know. Your friends will probably think youre crazy, as they max out another credit card or two on blu-rays and eating out. Meanwhile, youll squirrel away what you need. But when disaster hits, those blu-rays will be a bitter pill for the unprepared. You wont be caught in that snare. Not after today. And you wont have to suffer through any more fear or worry. Its a beautiful thing. Trust me, I know because Ive been living a prepared lifestyle for years. And even more than that, IVE LIVED THROUGH DISASTER! I was living in Russia when they defaulted on their debt and every bit of food in the country was guarded by guys with AK-47s. Fist fights broke out over bread and cooking oil. People cooked over fires fueled by old tires. Whole families resorted to living off of berries, mushrooms and whatever scraps they could come by. It was ugly, friend, and it lasted much longer than anyone thought it would. But for the prepared, like me, life wasnt much different. I had food, I had basic necessities, I helped those that I could, and I waited it out. So when I say I know what Im talking aboutI really do know! Images like this one are closer to our shores than the government admits. Unfortunately the media and the powers that be have convinced you that theres no need to worry. They have everything under control. Theres no collapse coming. No disasters. And even if it did come, the mighty government would arrive with a white hat and save the day. Whats worse is the media mocks anyone who says or thinks otherwise. They make fools of anyone who thinks preparing is a good idea. Hollywood makes movies that portray people like us as lunatics who fear outsiders, live in dirty hovels and eat possum for breakfast. So its easy to see why you havent prepared yet. In fact, Id go so far as to say its not your fault. Youve been fooled into thinking its not necessary and that youre stupid if you think otherwise. But if youre sick and tired of being spoon-fed a lie and living with fear and worry, then youre going to experience a life-changing event with the Ultimate Survivors Guide. This will be an eye-opening experience that very well could mean the difference between life and death. The worst thing you could do is blow this offgive in to the propaganda and the media machine and pretend like you never saw any of this. It would be very easy, but disastrous. If your cupboards were bare and your belly empty, would you remember how a little bit of stubbornness was about to prove your downfallb And that brings me to a good friend and former skeptic of mine Larry. Now let me tell you how I met Larry and how I fought viciously with him to put away resources for his family. Larry, by the way, isnt his real name anymore than Medved is my real name. One thing you learn when you start preparing for survival is to keep a low profile. Its called OpSec, or operational security. Thats a fancy way of saying dont advertise that youre prepared for a disaster. Its not that you dont want to help other people, but you dont want other people to help themselves to your stuff. And believe me, they would if they were facing death. bThe Ultimate Survivors Guide is the single best resource I have seen for emergency preparedness. This is bmust have information for anyone who wants to have maximum safety and survivability in any situation. If you have a family to care for (like me) the information in this Guide is MANDATORY!Adam, (name changed to protect identity) Now in the case of Larry, I didnt intend to reveal to him the extent of my preparation. But as a Christian man I try to do my part to help others prepare. Friends, family, co-workers. I speak about it very cautiously because I dont want to overwhelm anyone and I dont want to break OpSec. But I throw out seeds to get the idea in peoples heads. I think its the Christian thing to do. One thing you need to know about Larry is that hes a stubborn mule of a man. Tell him its raining outside and he wont believe you until hes walked outside and gotten soaked, at which point he might concede that its sprinkling. Well, maybe hes not that bad, but you get the idea. As Larry and I got to know each other Id throw out my little seeds seeing if hed take the bait and open up a wider conversation. At first he didnt. Hed kind of cast these odd looks at me whenever I mentioned anything about preparedness. He was like a cat watching a mouse from above, just waiting for the right opportunity to pounceto tell me I was a loon. One day he finally just came out and said it: Medved, are you one of those nutty preppers or somethingb Why do you keep bringing this upb By now we knew each other pretty well so I felt safe in going into some detail. I basically said Yeah Im one of those loonies who thinks its a good idea not to let my family starve during a crisis. What gave me awayb Larry had a good laugh about that. But Im a little stubborn too so I persisted with little remarks over time. Before I knew it, Larry was opening up a little. He still had that dismissive grin but he was asking questions. The problem was Larry was so brain-washed by todays liberal media that he actually believed that these things could never happen here. That even though it had happened in the past, the so-called New Economy and civility of our country would prevent any such occurrence here. I think what really changed his mind was one simple question I asked him over lunch one day.what ifb What if Larry had no way to get to the stores for foodb What if the stores were empty even if he could get thereb What if pandemic broke outb What if an earthquake struckb What if the dollar failedb What would Larry say to his wife and children thenb Would he tell them about the New Economy and our countrys civilityb Luckily, Larry slowly began to turn off the media filter. He began to see that even though he was told preparing wasnt necessary, disasters and civil unrest strike constantly and that there were millions of people just like him who had assumed it would never happen to them. It took some time, but EVENTUALLY, Larry saw the truth. The same truth youre seeing today. The truth that being prepared to survive brings peace of mind like you wont believe and one day, it will likely save your life. But why should YOU get the Ultimate Survivors Guideb The next time you watch the news, even the dishonest news sources, pay attention at the next mention of riots, disaster, civil unrest, economic collapse. I promise, you wont have to watch for very long. Dont listen to the talking heads during this part, just look at the pictures. Look at peoples faces. Youll see disbelief. Youll see despair. Youll see people whose lives are shatteredand on top of that their bellies are growling. Their kids are in shock. Their lips are parched. Theyre filthy. The next shot will be of the government hacks pulling up with a semi of supplies. For every person lucky enough to be where the semi is, there are 100 who arent so lucky. The grocery stores are empty or destroyed and relief wont come for days, if ever. Thats why you need this guide! Because most of the suffering that comes with these tragedies is avoidable. Dont be like the Larry who was preparing to be part of the next news reel. Be like the Larry who is now preparing to avoid it. bThe Ultimate Survivors Guide is a one stop resource for all I need to get my family better prepared. If I tried to get this information myself I would have to spend hours and hours researching where to find it, and then spend a bunch of money on multiple books and resources. But its all here in one spot.Smith, (name changed to protect identity) Why am I Selling Thisb People ask me why I dont just give this away rather than sell it. After all, if I really wanted others to prepare, I should make it easy for them. There are a couple reasons why I do it this way. The first reason is because this is the USA and were not socialists yet! Ive put an enormous amount of money and time into this and its easily worth double the current price of $97. The second reason is that this guide is hands down the best there is. There are people selling guides that have half the value and cost twice as much. In fact, the Ultimate Survivors Guide normally costs twice as much, and with good reason. The Ultimate Survivors Guide takes you step by step from A to Z and prepares you for any and all possibilities. Its simple enough that people new to survival prep wont be overwhelmed, but comprehensive enough that the seasoned veterans will learn from it. So its a real bargain at $47. The third reason is perceived value to you. If I gave this away to you for free, you would eagerly accept it. You might even flip through it when you first got it. And then the next time you saw it youd say Oh theres that free guide. Maybe Ill read that someday. A few weeks later and its completely forgotten. Maybe even thrown away. Whyb Because you invested NOTHING into it. Its worthless to you because you got it for free. Kind of like all those Little League trophies they give out nowadays. If you have a pulse you get one, so who cares that you got oneb Thats why Im selling this. Lets face it, considering the time and money I spent putting it together and the cost to run this site and maintain it and advertise it, I practically am giving it away. But its my hope that youll get prepared and that Ill make a few bucks at the same time. And the truth is, I do have one more very selfish reason for selling this I dont want you knocking on my door when disaster strikes! I realize that sounds very selfish, but I simply cant prepare for everyone. I can only prepare for my own family and maybe a few neighbors. So the more people I can get prepared, the less dangerous a disaster is for me and everyone else. There will always be freeloaders. The liberals have made sure of that. But there are enough true Americans like us and if we prepare, the freeloaders wont be able to run rampant. Well help who we can and make sure America survives. But what really matters is that you get 60 full days to try out the Ultimate Survivors Guide entirely risk-free. I guarantee this guide will open your eyes to the need to prepare and give you a step-by-step process to get yourself prepared with as little cost as possible. If it doesnt, Ill give you 100% of your money back and you can keep everything I send you. Heres what you get with the Ultimate Survivors Guide Package: The Ultimate Survivors Guide eBook ($147 value) A step-by-step, A to Z survival guide designed to prepare you for disasters of every type. Youll know exactly what you need to get, where to get it, and how much to get. This guide is specially designed to serve you whether youre completely new to preparation or a seasoned pro who has seen it all. This is THE definitive guide to end all guides! The Ultimate Survivors Russia Report ($39 value) If you only read one thing from our Ultimate Survivors Guide Package, it should be this! The reason is when you read this gripping report you wont wait to get started on preparing to survive. This compelling story is based on the authors personal experience living temporarily in Russia during their currency crisis. And unless youve been hiding under a rock, you know how close our own great country is to that reality. Read this first! The Ultimate Survivors Reference Library ($27 value) Part of preparing to survive is recognizing what information you MUST have access to when it all goes down. Lets face it; you probably arent a dentist, doctor, gardening expert, gun expert, food preservation expert, homesteading expert, and military commander all rolled into one. But you can have that information at your finger tips. In this Ultimate Survivorbs Reference Library we give you access to multiple free reference guides as well as links to any guides we canbt give you for free. With this exclusive bonus it couldnt be easier to stock your survival library! The TOTAL VALUE of this package is over $200! You can get the entire package TODAY for only $47!!! Click HERE to Order Today!!! Here are some more priceless discoveries youll make when you get the Ultimate Survivors Guide: Which firearms are absolute MUST HAVES in a disaster and how they will save your life (hint: guns arent just for keeping the freeloaders at bay). How to protect your belongings from illegal government seizure. Just because its illegal doesnt mean they wont do it! Take these steps to make sure youre not a target! The top 100 things you MUST have in your home to survive a disaster. These 100 items are cheaper and easier to get than you think but they wont be for long. Almost no one has these 100 items. and theres TONS more in our Ultimate Survivors Guide Package. Ive spent countless hours putting this information together for you, so I know how good it is. Theres a reason I call it Ultimate. Theres nothing out there that comes even close to this guide. But I also know that talk is cheap and thats why I want you to know that youre 100% covered in getting this guide. As you protect your family, your purchase is protected by my 100% No Questions Asked Guarantee: Our Iron Clad 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee Heres how the guarantee works: Get your copy of the Ultimate Survivors Guide Package today and if it doesnt completely satisfy you for ANY reason (even if youre just in a bad mood!), email me within 60 days of purchasing and Ill instantly give you every last penny back. No ifs, no buts.just a 100% refund. AND you can keep the entire Ultimate Survivors Guide Package. Now the way I see it, youve got 3 choices right now: Option 1 Do Nothing and Leave Your Family Exposed to Disaster You could leave this page right now. Continue living as a mainstream media zombie and assume none of this will ever affect you. Of course that means youll continue to live in fear of whats coming. And when it does come, youll remember that it was pride or stubbornness that kept you from preparing. Youll be part of the masses of people who have to fight for every scrap and wonder about every meal. I realize this sounds like fear-mongering, but its the sad and unmistakable truth of what youre facing by doing nothing. PLEASE, dont expose yourself to that risk. Option 2 Do it Yourself Believe me when I tell you that Im all for doing it long as you know what youre doing, that is. Think of your old Aunt Edna (everyones got an old Aunt Edna somewhere in their family). Shes sweet as can be. Still gives you a kiss every time she sees you. Imagine if old Aunt Edna told you her house needed a new roof. And being a do-it-yourselfer, old Aunt Edna is going to climb up there and replace it herself. What would you say to herb Youd probably move heaven and earth to convince her to leave it to a professional. SHE HAS NO IDEA WHERE TO EVEN START! Crazy rightb Well if youre considering Option 2, then Im you, and your old Aunt Edna. You think you can just do some quick research and figure it out as you go. Trust me you can do this, but YOU CANT DO THIS ALONE. Take advantage of the work thats already been done and use my guide to get yourself prepared. Option 3 Get the Ultimate Survivors Guide TODAY! You might be convinced this is something you need, but you want to come back when you have some time and get the guide. Let me warn you. If you do that, the odds of you coming back are slim to none and Slim just left town! Its not that youre lazy or forgetful. Life just happens. Youll get distracted. And before you know it youll be back into blissful ignorance untilwellIT happens. And you know as well as I do that IT is going to happen sooner or later. Save yourself and your family from IT and get the Ultimate Survivors Guide NOW! Yours in Survival, Medved (name changed to protect identity) P.S. Let me give you one last warning. This guide wont be around forever. When I first wrote this guide, my plan was to give it only to friends and family who wanted to protect themselves. But the feedback I received (see below) was so positive that I decided the right thing to do would be to get this guide in as many hands as possible. But doing so is a RISK for me. Its not that I live in fear, but Im not naive and I know selling a guide like this one could easily land me on some watch list for the government. It could also lead to me being a target for freeloaders or thieves. The longer this is up, the greater the chance my real name gets associated with it. For that reason, this guide will only be available for a short time! And let me make one promise that you can take to the bank. When disaster strikes, you wont have a chance to get this. And even if you did, it would be too late. So please, take advantage of the discount, and get your family prepared TODAY! P.P.S. Dont be like 90% of Americans and bury your head in the sand. You can find out RIGHT NOW: What you need, How to use it, and How to store it! P.P.P.S. Dont forget that my 60-day iron-clad guarantee means youre FULLY protected. Youre safe to discover how to survive through disaster. bStop reading this testimonial and buy this book! A The price of ignorance in the category of survival skill is death. A Before reading this book, I had absolutely zero idea how to prepare for a catastrophic event. A Catastrophes were things that happened to those other people we watch on the news, rightb A Wrong. A It can happen to anybody and it can happen to you. A Make the small investment, buy this book, get educated and be prepared.K.T., (name changed to protect identity) bThe Ultimate Survivors Guide is easy to read and easy to follow, even for beginners. A The authors explain different circumstances andA catastrophesA in a way that is not paralyzing but practical. A They truly have thought of everything and patiently explain how to best prepare yourself and your family.Casey, (name changed to protect identity) bSomething unexpected happened when we completed our 1 year food storage supply, there was literally a weight lifted off my shoulders, a feeling a preparedness became a reality and it can become a reality for you too simply by following this detailed guide.Trent, (name changed to protect identity) bEveryone can benefit from this book. A Its not just for preparedness relating to emergencies but also for living a better life. A Topics including finances, food storage and having a family emergency contact plan are useful for everyday life!Will, (name changed to protect identity) bThank you so much for this detailed and vital guide. It could very well be a life saver!Mark, (name changed to protect identity) bI spent six years serving in the Infantry in the U.S. Army and one thing I learned is that for training and information to be effective, it needs to be as simple and easy to follow as possible. The bUltimate Survivors Guide does just that. It teaches you about every key aspect of emergency preparedness/survival in a way easy to understand and follow.
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