Monday, 10 June 2013

How To Write A Cookbook ... Yes, You Can Write And Publish A Damn Good Cookbook!

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How To Write A Cookbook ... Yes, You Can Write And Publish A Damn Good Cookbook!
How to Write a Cookbook ... Yes, You Can Write and Publish a Damn Good Cookbook! @import url( ); How to Write a Cookbook! You Can Write and Publish a Damn Good Cookbook! The easiest way to write and publish your very own cookbook without a lot of work struggling to come up with original recipes and content and then waiting months or even years to get published. In fact... "You Can Write and Publish a Damn Good Cookbook in as Little as 6-Months!" From: Bill FrederickRe: The 6-Month How to Write and Self-Publish a Cookbook, Training Program Dear Colleague, If you're a writer who cooks or a cook who writes, the chances are pretty good that you've thought about writing a cookbook. I'll let you in on a little secret... "Cookbooks are Hot!" According to Doris McFerran Townsend, author of over 30 cookbooks, "...cookbooks sell very well. Until recently they outsold all categories of books other than the Bible. But a couple of years ago, romance novels nudged cookbooks out of second place." And a recent Associated Press Article pointed out that our weak economy is motivating more people to prepare meals at home instead of eating out. The recession is giving an extra sizzle (no pun intended) to cooking at home. And, people who grew accustomed to dining out several nights a week still want to eat in style. Combine that with the popularity of cooking programs like Top Chef and The Food Network and the explosion of celebrity chefs, and you have a recipe for a successful cookbook. And, one more thing... A recent Neilsen Bookscan report showed that cookbook sales rose 9% last year! "In a word, the future for cookbookauthors is sizzlin!" Introducing... How to Write and Self-Publish a Cookbook training program. A comprehensive, step-by-step 26-week training program that will teach you everything you need to know to write and self-publish your very own cookbook. Each week, for 6-Months, you'll receive a lesson in your inbox, with an assignment that will guide you every step of the way through writing and publishing your cookbook. I'll give you the knowledge and the tools necessary to turn your dream of writing a cookbook into a reality. How to Write and Self-Publish a Cookbook, teaches you everything you need to know to take your passion for cooking and writing and turn it into your very own published cookbook that you can then sell through local bookstores, your own website, or even through online bookstores like and Barnes & Noble. Learn everything there is to know about writing and getting your cookbook published. "What will How to Write and Self-Publisha Cookbook, teach meb" The "How to Write and Self-Publish a Cookbook" training program will teach you step-by-step about: How to research cooking trends and discover profitable cookbook themes.
How to research your competition and develop a unique selling position so that your cookbook stands out from all the others on bookstore shelves.
Recipes and copyright law.
Sources of recipes.
How to format a recipe.
The importance of pictures and artwork in a cookbook.
Sources of pictures and artwork for your cookbook.
The different cookbook layouts and which one is best for your style of cookbook.
How to price your cookbook for maximum profits.
How to discover a best-selling title for your cookbook.
Choosing a hot selling topic/theme for your cookbook.
How to determine if your cookbook's theme is going to be profitable and what to do if it's not.
How to negotiate with local printers.
How to determine types of cookbooks in demand.
Locating cookbook content other than recipes. How to Write and Self-Publish a Cookbook, is guaranteed to teach you everything you need to know to write your own cookbook. You'll also learn: How to confirm buyer interest and choose a winning theme for your cookbook.
Are there already too many cookbooks on your topic and what to do if there is.
How to promote your cookbook using social media marketing.
How to get your cookbook into local and national stores.
How to get your cookbook into online stores such as Amazon and Barnes & Nobles.
How to get hundreds or even thousands of others eagerly selling your cookbook.
How to photograph food using a simple digital camera; you probably already own one of these.
How to develop and test original and delicious recipes.
Finding and working with editors, proofreaders, graphic designers, photographers, and food stylists.
Filing for a copyright, trademark, and obtaining ISBN (International Standard Book Numbers) and LCCN (Library of Congress Catalog Card Number) and why they are important to successful sales.
Selecting cover and paper stock, binding options, and fine-tuning the layout of your cookbook.
Learn about distribution, publicity, and marketing.
A secret marketing system that will have hoards of people eagerly waiting to buy your cookbook before it's even released.
And Much Much More... If you've ever thought of writing your own cookbook, but were unsure where to start, the How to Write and Self-Publish a Cookbook, training program will eliminate the confusion for you. I leave no stone unturned. This training program is a complete blueprint for cookbook writing and self-publishing success. As you can see, this 6-Month How to Write and Self-Publish a Cookbook, training program is jam-packed with practical and easy-to-follow instructions. Everything you need to know to write and self-publish a top-selling cookbook that could earn you thousands of dollars in profits for years to come is covered. I'll let you in on a little secret that no one is talking about... Writing and publishing a cookbook the "traditional" way is hard and can take years! Because of this, many would-be cookbook authors throw up their hands in frustration and never realize their dream. There, I said it. And, anyone who has ever written and published a successful cookbook knows that it's the truth. Wanna know why so many people dream of writing a cookbook but never dob Let me explain why it's so tough. 5 Myths About Writing and Publishing a Cookbook 1. Many people falsely believe that you need to be a trained chef or a celebrity to write a cookbook. The truth of the matter is, all you need to write a decent cookbook is a good idea, a passion for cooking, and the desire to share both of these with others. Don't believe meb Prove it to yourself. Browse through the shelves of your local bookstore or library and pay particular attention to the "About the Author" section of the cookbooks. How many of them have formal culinary trainingb Not as many as you think. In fact, you're going to find that many of them are written by people just like you. 2. Many people falsely believe that writing a cookbook is a tedious and time-consuming endeavor. In reality, if you can commit to an hour a day, 5-days a week, and are able to follow a well thought out action plan, you can complete your cookbook in as little as 6 months. If you cannot commit to an hour a day it will take longer to write, but it's still doable. You'd be surprised at what you can accomplish by doing a little bit each day. I'm not sure who said it first, but we tend to overestimate what can be accomplished in a day and underestimate what can be accomplished in a year. Or 6-Months in this case. 3. Many people falsely believe that you that you need to have hundreds of recipes that you've personally prepared and tested to write a cookbook. Let me ask you a question, do you really believe that Paula Deen personally tried the hundreds, maybe even thousands, of recipes in all of the cookbooks she's either written or co-writtenb Well, that may be a bad example; Paula is a prolific writer and cook... For the most part though, as long as a recipe fits into the theme of your cookbook and you can prove that it works, you can think about using it. You'll learn more in Lesson #3. 4. Many would be cookbook authors make the assumption that they need to have an agent or a publishing contract with a big-time publisher to get their cookbook published and placed on bookstore shelves. At one time - not too many years ago - that was true. Today, with the internet, print-on-demand, and self-publishing technologies, it's never been easier for someone to write and publish their own cookbook. And, self-publishing you own cookbook has tremendous rewards. We'll cover these in Lesson #6. 5. I need a large advertising budget and a sales force to attract paying customers and make any sales. This, as General Norman Schwarzkopf would say, is pure bovine scatology, and it couldn't be farther from the truth. If, as you're writing your cookbook, you systematically build your writer's platform - that is, your audience - it is entirely possible to have hoards of people eager to buy your cookbook before it is even printed or written. And, it's easier to do than you think. You see, people prefer to buy from people they know, like, and trust. Your job is to become known, liked, and trusted, as you write your cookbook. I'll show you how to do this quickly and easily in Lessons #4 and #5. So, if writing and publishing a cookbook the "traditional" way isn't the answer, what isb I'm glad you asked... The Easiest Way To Write and Publish a Cookbook is to Self-Publish your cookbook.

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