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Google Plus Marketing | Google Plus Social Media Marketing | The Google Plus Attack Plan
Google Plus Marketing | Google Plus Social Media Marketing | The Google Plus Attack Plan Google+ took just 24 days to reach 20 million users, that has NEVER happened before in History!!! AND, in just 7 months after its launch Google+ hit over 100 Million Users Amazing!!! With some of the top bloggers, entrepreneurs and marketing proffessionals now moving over to Google+ many prominent internet minds are predicting that by the end of the year Google+ could hit 300 Million, 400 Million, some even say Google+ may reach up to 500 Millions users by January of 2013!!! By now you understand like so many others that business success is all about speed. ItAs about seeing an opportunity, equipping yourself with the necessary tools, knowledge, and guidance; and most of all taking action. Much of success is also about timing. Over the last several years, fortunes have been won and lost online all because of timing. Those that got in early on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn built massive followings and exploded their businesses as a result of their vision, commitment, speed and timing. Being the first to market within a new space online has proven very lucrative for thousands of business owners online. Imagine being the first business to use and dominate with Google Adwords 10 years ago Imagine being the first business to dominate Facebook or LinkedIn What if you could go back in time and do things differentlyb NowAs your chance. You already know that Google+ is the fastest growing website in history and itAs only getting bigger. You already have a glimpse of the amazing Social Platform, Web 3.0 evolution, Google+ is going to become. Knowing this, itAs like looking into a crystal ball and seeing the future. ItAs like seeing into the future and being able to act on it NOW. You know itAs going to be huge, you know there is immense opportunity and now you have the chance to do something about it. ItAs an amazing time to be right here, right now. The Google+ Attack Plan Book Over a 130 pages of pure Google+ awesomeness! Learn, step-by-step how to use Google+ to generate traffic, leads and sales for your business. The book covers all aspects of Google+ including: how to use secret databases to uncover your true target audience, how to magnetize your profile to generate followers and leads, how to leverage Google+ for instant SEO, how to turn Google+ Hangouts into jaw dropping events that your target audience will beg to be apart of, how to use Google+ Messenger for mobile marketing, how utilize Google+ to virtually hijack your target audiences email inbox, etc. etc.Youll also get 10 Video Modules walking your through various Google+ strategies, techniques and down right ninja Google+ tactics that will help you magnetize your Google+ profile into list building machine and help you sell your products or services online through Google+YouAll never wonder what the Anext stepA is A weAve put together the Continued Success A 52 Week Action Plan to take you through the next year of marketing with Google+. Each day you simply turn to the next page and complete the simple actions. ItAs like instant focus. A solid plan PLUS consistent, focused action will produce huge results.Getting so much information all at one time can sometimes seem overwhelming. ThatAs why Jocelyn and I have included in your G+ Attack Package a the Continued Success A Cheat Sheets to be a quick reference for your when you need information fast. The The Continued Success A Cheat Sheets will get you up and running within moments of receiving your materials. You wonAt have to go through the hassle of trying to figure it all out on your own A weAve got it laid out for you to get started instantly. Here are some of the secrets weAve uncovered and youAre going to have access to in just a few minutes: How to add 1,000 targeted buyer prospects to your account in the next 30 days.
How to grow your list using a subtle, psychologically hypnotic technique so powerful and effective itAs barely legal (Pg. 60)
The single character you can add to a post to instantly explode the numbers of people who read and respond to your next post. This one is so powerful youAll only want to use it sparingly, but when you do it will blow your socks off! (Pg. 80)
How to legally AstealA up to 45% of your competitorAs customers and prospectsAeven if you are brand new to the market niche (Pg. 56)
The insider tactic Google+ provides to get hungry prospects to call you by the dozens. This strategy alone can make anyone with a product (or affiliate product) to sell big money in the next 7 days (Pg. 72)
The AhiddenA feature of Google+ you can use to motivate people to instant action 24/7 via phone, email or even text message (Pg. 75)
Using Google+ to get any page you choose to the top of GoogleAs search results (Pg. 68)
The hidden reason why most Afriend yourself to successA plans never workAand how to make sure you donAt fall victim to them (Pg. 50)
How to make sure the first impression people get from your profile seduces them into doing business with you (Pg. 65)
How to synergize your content for more response and profits (Pg. 109)
The secret way to export your contacts from that Facebook is trying to squash (use this one before they close the loophole!) (Pg. 65)
The exact words to use to tap into the psychology of your readers and invisibly move them to action (Pg. 78)
The private info most people donAt share, but you should ALWAYS share if you want to succeed (Pg. 115)
The private info you should never share onlineAit can sabotage your success! (Pg. 116)
The one element every message from you must have to be effective (Pg. 54)
How to use Google+ to instantly generate hundreds (or even thousands) of marketers for your product or service even if you are just starting out! (Pg. 99)
How to generate instant success and reputation by piggy-backing on industry leaders (Pg. 48)
The 100% free tool you MUST have to succeed with Google+ (Pg. 112)
The hidden, psychological reason why Google+ hits up potential buyers when theyAre most vulnerable (Pg. 77)
The best times to send your message for maximum sales (as well as the times when it would spell disaster!) (Pg. 72)
How to utilize ASparksA for long-term traffic and top search engine position (Pg. 103) If youAre in the Denver area you may have done business with us. Through our mortgage business Limetree Lending Group weAve helped secure millions in real estate loans over the last eight years. Were actually one of the Top 3 mortgage brokers in Colorado and weve done this staying on the cutting edge of technology and implementing simple, yet powerful, marketing strategies that have left our competition in the dust. More recently weAve ventured into the real estate side of things and been helping agents to generate leads and business through the power of the internet marketing and social media strategies through our digital marketing company 7Onyx. So, youre not getting advice from some never before ran a REAL business internet GURU, the tips, tricks and strategies we teach you are coming our real business and marketing experience in building two highly successful businesses. Were going to give you REAL how-to, step-by-step, actionable lessons that will teach you how to take full advantage of Google+ and take your business and marketing to the next level using Google+. This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google. Copyright (Google Plus Attack Plan) a Division of 7Onyx, LLC Privacy Policy
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