Tuesday, 4 June 2013

The Raw Secrets

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The Raw Secrets
Raw secrets, The Raw Secrets, raw food, the raw food diet and raw food recipes. The no-nonsense truth and practical advice for the vegetarian, vegan or rawfooder. Purchase the book, The Raw Secrets.
The Raw Secrets What You Should Know About the Raw Food Diet Secrets That Can Save Your Life From: Frederic Patenaude Montreal, Canada Subject: Simply amazing Dear health-seeker, The power of raw foods is not only one of the most well-known rejuvenation secrets of celebrities and Hollywood stars (such as Demi Moore, Pierce Brosnan, Sting, Edward Norton, Carol Alt, and many others) it is also a concept that has the potential of giving you what you're looking for: incredible health, increased energy, and a youthful and slim body. Let's see if what I have to say today applies to you. Please answer the following questions truthfully. Check the marks if you answer yes. A Health Survey You have amazing energy. You wake up in the morning ready to go, and you rarely feel ups an downs in your energy during the day. Your skin looks great. People often comment how clear your skin is. You're at your ideal weight. Your friends envy you and ask you what kind of diet you follow. You don't feel deprived when eating. You can eat as much as you want and not gain weight. You fall asleep easily. You rarely suffer from insomnia. Your sleep is deep and sound. You have regular bowel movement and rarely experience constipation or indigestion. You look younger than most people of your age. You have greater than average fitness even when you don't exercise regularly. Your eyes are clear and bright. People often comment on how bright your eyes are. You feel happy for no reason. You don't need coffee to stimulate you or alcohol to make you laugh. You are never depressed. You can easily focus and concentrate for long hours without feeling tired. You are in touch with your intuition. You instinctively know when something is good for you. What is your scoreb How many boxes did you checkb How to Get a Perfect Score Let's be honest. Chances are that if you're reading this, you did not check all 12 boxes. In fact, you may be wondering if it's actually possible to experience all these benefits! Actually, it is. I created this list because those are the most common benefits people experience when they eat raw and living foods! I receive testimonials all the time from people all over the world who have experienced the power of raw and living foods, and I noticed that the benefits I mentioned above are the ones almost everybody who tries this way of eating experiences! Are you Already Eating Rawb Are You Getting the Benefits or Are You Still Strugglingb Read the introduction from the ebook The Raw Secrets: Radical ideas have much more power than common advice. But in their power lies the danger. Like an explosive charge, radical ideas must be handled carefully. The raw vegan diet is such an idea. It can save your life. It can help banish incurable conditions. It can help you feel great all the time. It can give back your joy of living. It can give an entirely different direction to your life or turn it upside down. But the practical application may be difficult. Pitfalls line the path of raw eating. Many people have fallen into them and they will continue falling into them until they know what these pitfalls are, and how to spot and avoid them. Some people are damaging their health by eating the raw food diet incorrectly. Mostly, this is because they received poor or confusing advice. This book is my antidote to the false information that is being spread in the raw food movement, hurting people as it goes. This is the book I wish someone had handed to me in 1997 when I started on this path. My dietary adventures have led me to write The Raw Secrets. Even though I had experienced benefits in eating a raw food diet immediately, my personal experience with it has not been an instant success story. It has been one of the most positive things I have ever undertaken but it has also been a struggle. So before revealing my findings, I wish to share with you my story. To read the rest of this introduction, click here. Sarah Wilson saralena77 @ yahoo.com Salt Lake City, Utah I could not believe that I was actually doing it I purchased your book about a month ago, when I decided to change my diet to improve my health. I had, for a long time, wanted to eat mostly raw for health reasons; but it always seemed too difficult and out of my reach. After reading your book (in one day) I decided to just see if I could do it for one day. After one day of eating all raw, using the advice and helpful tips from The Raw Secrets, I felt so good inside, that I decided to keep going for as long as I could. I could not believe that I was actually doing it, and it really gave my self confidence a boost. It was nowhere near as impossible as I always imagined it would be to eat this way. I noticed an improvement in my skin texture right away. I have suffered from acne since my teenage years. I kept waiting for it to go away, but it never really did. But after eating mostly raw for just a few days, I noticed a drastic reduction in the oiliness of my face. And it has only continued to improve over the last 5 weeks since I began this journey. I have also lost 15 pounds so far. I still have about 15 more to lose, but I am confident that it will happen. I have also noticed an unexpected change in my attitude toward life since I changed my diet. I am more positive more of the time. And I feel more alert. Others can see a difference in me as well. One friend asked me how I lost weight so quickly, and when I told her, she decided to change her diet too. I am a living example of the powerful effect of the foods we eat. I am so grateful to have found your books and your website to help me transition into a mostly raw diet with very few problems. Free Weekly Newsletter Politically-Incorrect RAW Information on Diet Health! Frederic Patenaude's PURE HEALTH AND NUTRITION E-ZINE In this newsletter, I bring you: - Exclusive interviews with top authorities and unique thinkers in the field - Informative how-to articles - Practical advice and tips on how to have more energy. - The latest relevant research, not just the newest fad To subscribe, just enter your name and e-mail address below. This information is absolutely confidential and is not shared with any other party. Name Email Brand New 2nd Edition Ebook In 2002, I released my book The Raw Secrets, which has quickly become the #1 classic on the raw food diet. After over a year of work, I've re-published the book in a brand-new, harcover, completely revised and expanded 2nd edition! This second edition includes: - Brand-new, ground-breaking chapters - Revised versions of chapters found in the first edition. - Many changes throughout the book. Although the first edition of the book was great and propeled thousands of people to raw success, I still felt that the book needed work. As I continued my studies, I decided it was time for a complete rewrite of the book. I'm now proud to present to you: The Raw Secrets: The Raw Food Diet in the Real World 2nd Edition, Completely Revised and Expanded In the Raw Secrets, you will discover: Diseases and conditions caused or aggravated by bread and grain consumption. The most overlooked and important causes for lack of energy. Why certain foods are poisons and drugs, and how to find out which ones are. An absolutely effective and low-cost way to give up bad habits. All about a healthy diet that doesnt require you to buy special products. Sure signs that the diet youre not (even if its raw) is not working for you The easiest (and best) way to transition to a raw food diet. Why you dont need to eat 100% raw to achieve excellent health, if you don't want to. This insider secret to eating a raw food diet in the north. Why most raw-food diets are unhealthy and what to do instead. The one key principle to achieving a higher level of health, no matter what diet youre on! The Raw Secrets Makes It Possible! I was totally confused with all the information out there when my daughter first approached me about the raw food diet. She was telling me about how a lot of the recipes required dehydrating for a day or two at a time. It sounded so complicated that I was totally against trying it. The concept still appealed to me so I started searching the Internet and found Frederic Patenaude and The Raw Secrets. Today, I am 29 days at 100% raw and I couldn't have done it without the simplicity of The Raw Secrets. Tommie Burchard Dayton, TN, USA Click Play to Hear Tommie's Full Story: A Truly Great Book The Raw Secrets literally transformed my life. I'd been spending a fortune on recommended supplements and 'superfoods', and following a 100% raw diet, but I didn't feel healthy and felt disillusioned. Your book was like a ray of sunshine. Suddenly everything made sense. I'd been eating far too much fat, and not enough fruit,and life was a misery trying to make complicated recipes all the time which didn't even hold enough calories. Your book has made the raw diet much more attainable and enjoyable. Eating simply really makes sense. Thanks for a truly great book. Kate Sturgess Buckingham Bucks England Learn Where the Raw-Vegan Diet Has Failed The Raw Secrets will help you live sustainably on the raw vegan diet and overcome the problems you may have encountered in doing so. Based on logical principles, the raw vegan diet still often falls short of expectation. Instead of improvements in their health, many people see deterioration. Others experience less rejuvenation than they anticipated, or find themselves unable to maintain balance in the long-term. This results solely from a lack of understanding of the guiding principles of natural diet, from the widespread misinformation about it, and the gross errors that follow. The 31, succinct chapters give unique insights on many topics affecting those considering a high-raw or all-raw diet. Each holds dozens of tips to help you eat a pure, simple, nourishing diet. If you are tired of the same, boring, repetitive information found in nearly every other book on the raw vegan diet, then you're in for a surprise! If you seek groundbreaking research and a fresh perspective on raw ating, you will find them in The Raw Secrets ! A word from the author, Frdric Patenaude Dear friend, There are times when trying to prove the value of something isnt even necessary, because the product in question has already proved itself. This is the case with my ebook, The Raw Secrets one of the rare books in the raw-food movements people absolutely rave about. Heres, for example, a letter I received recently: Dear Frederic, I wanted to thank you for changing my life. I started on the raw food path (or so I thought) in September 2004. I decided it was the right choice for me after experiencing acne and hyperpigmented skin patches over 30% of my body. For six month, I was combining all the wrong foods and seeing little results. Then I stumbled onto your site and read The Raw Secrets; I was instantly relieved and overjoyed. Today, I am a totally renewed person. I look better than ever and feel amazing. I can't wait for Instant Raw Sensations. I have tried every recipe in your Raw Soups book and I love most of them. I have two green smoothies each day and I can't live without these. The more I learn from you, the more inspired I am to live my best life! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. Peace be with you, G. R. Since Ive published The Raw Secrets in 2002, Ive received hundreds of RAVE REVIEWS and comments from people thanking me. Here are some more: I just finished The Raw Secrets and I want to thank you for writing it. You have done the burgeoning raw food movement a great service by pointing out the mistakes of raw-fooders and exposing misconceptions that would lead them to failure. Nora Lenz Bellevue, Washington Hi, I got the book Raw Secrets and thoroughly enjoyed it. I've already read it twice and I wish I had read it a long time ago. I've been trying to go raw for a year and have had all the problems you described in your book. Thanks so much for writing the book! Leatha Day Your latest book The Raw Secrets became available just in time to clear the path ahead for me. I was truly drowning in misinformation. Tom Szelagowski I've just finished The Raw Secrets the best 'raw' book I've read so far. Great work! Can't wait for your next book! Joanne Scovill Middletown I am really glad I bought your book The Raw Secrets. There is so much practical advice and reading in words what I was already instinctively feeling has been very important. It is so non-mainstream that it is sometimes difficult to trust my own inner intuition!! Many thanks. I'm already reading some parts for the third time. I seem to find new gems each time. Jayne Jubb This is just some of the many rave reviews I have received since publishing this book in 2002. To read more, click here. Take Advantage of Today's Offer Order Your Copy NOW and Get The Following E-Books Bonuses at a Discount The Raw Food Diet E-Book Bonuses This $92.08 value is ONLY available for an additional $9.97 US if you order The Raw Secrets today. This collection of incredible and useful e-books will be available for download as soon as you order the The Raw Secrets. These e-books will be delivered to you electronically in a printable, PDF format so you can get started immediately! Bonus #1 Recipe Book: Raw Soups, Salads Smoothies A great recipe book, delivered to you in an electronic format Raw Soups, Salads, and Smoothies contains delicious raw food recipes that are both tasty and simple to prepare. In addition to the recipes, you will also find useful and detailed information on the art of preparing raw soups, salads and smoothies, as well as a complete description of some of the ingredients used in the book. Contains over 60 completely original, all raw food recipes. VALUE: $12.95 Bonus #2 36 Tips to Succeed on a Raw-Food or Vegan Diet My new e-book 36 Tips to Succeed on a Raw-food or Vegan Diet a very enlightening booklet filled with my best tips and pieces of advice that Ive been gathering over the years. This is a $19.95 value and will be available with this offer for a very limited time VALUE: $19.95 Bonus #3 A Compilation of Incredible Magazines on the Raw Diet This unique compilation features almost 200 pages of information, articles, recipes, tips, questions and answers, testimonials, letters from the readers, resources, that you will not be able to find anywhere else. A unique compilation, now available as downloadable e-books. In this Unique Compilation, you will discover: What's wrong with herbal medicines: the truth about herbal remedies no one told you The only true remedy for a cold or flu that works. How to transition to a healthy raw diet, the easy way Why grains are not our natural food. How someone got rid of nail fungus on a raw diet. How to recognize the first signs of diseases. What is our natural diet. What to think of the blood type diet The most important thing about deficiencies no one told you. Why raw-food diets fail and what to do about it Resources for healthy skincare products. What's happening with raw vegan communities. An Incredible Resource! I spent one year working on those magazines, and I really selected the best articles I could. The quality of the information is outstanding and represents a very high value to all health seekers. VALUE: $39.95 The Raw Secrets E-Book Bonuses, a $92.08 value, is available for an additional $9.97 US if you order The Raw Secrets Ebook today. To order *immediately*, please click here now. IF YOU'RE NOT HAPPY... GET YOUR MONEY BACK AND YOU KEEP THE BONUSES! I am so convinced that the ebook The Raw Secrets will meet all of your expectations and more, that I'm willing to make a really bold promise. If you are unhappy for any reason just tell me why and Ill refund you immediately for 100% of the purchase price and keep all of the bonuses. That's a promise. Frederic Patenaude Editor of Pure Health Nutrition Order Your Copy of The Raw Secrets. Without a doubt, The Raw Secrets is one of the most useful and enlightening books you will ever read. For only $24.95 you will be able to instantly download our digital product. As a special bonus, you can also have access to The Raw Secrets Book Bonuses in electronic, downloadable ebook format - over 300 pages of useful information on the raw diet ($92.08 value mdash; only valid when you order it with The Raw Secrets) Click on the link below to get it right away from the Clickbank Secure Server PS: I cannot guarantee that this special offer (with all the bonuses) will last for very long. PS: This book is fully protected by a 100% money back guarantee. If you don't like the ebook, get your money back and keep your bonuses! Frederic Patenaude Raw Vegan6595 St-Hubert, CP 59053Montreal, QC, H2S 3P5Canada Click here to contact us Terms of Use | Privacy Notice | Purchase Agreement (and Return Policy)

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