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Skincare Diva E-book And Audio Interviews With Beauty Experts | Inner Beauty And Skincare | Self Confident Woman
Skincare Diva E-Book and Audio Interviews with Beauty Experts | Inner Beauty and Skincare | Self Confident Woman Introducing The 8 Definitive Steps to Creating a More Beautiful, Healthy and Self Confident YOU...! Dear Friend, hat if you could wake up every morning, look in the mirror and like what you seeb
What if you could walk into a party and turn heads for all the right reasonsb What if you could look the very best you can regardless of your ageb We all know that if you dont feel good on the inside, if you feel fatigued, stressed, unwell, unhappy or even unloved or unappreciated you cant be truly beautiful. Yet in our fast paced, high stressed world with our daily distractions and constant demands on our time and attention as women, we often neglect the most important person Ourselves! We all strive for a healthy, well balanced, happy lifestyle however most women dont give their inner health and beauty the importance and level of focus it deserves. Now, more than ever, through our busy lifestyles, exposure to unhealthy images of women in advertising, easy access to unhealthy fast foods and just the general demands on out time it is vital that we take control and actively pursue the health,vitality and beauty that we all desire and deserve right now! How do we get to that place of inner peace and tranquility that we so much wantb The truth is, you can have YOUR inner beauty radiate outwards. And the good news is - I'm going to reveal all in my book... Think for a Moment...What If You Could... - Understand the difference between superficial beauty and true inner beauty - How to pursue holistic health and vitality now for a more beautiful you - Become gentler, more understanding and nicer to yourself - Deal with stress and negative influences and emotions in a healthy way - Appreciate and love yourself despite your imperfections - Learn vital skills to be able to appreciate the small things - How to make use of your time now to maximize beauty in your life - Bring on the more confident and beautiful you waiting to come out! - Steps to discovering how to feel good in your skin - Transform yourself into a healthy, strong person with loads of self esteem Well, You CAN! Here's what's covered in my book... What 'Real' Beauty means. (Introduction) Learn how to start looking after yourself despite your full life. (Chapter One) How to Reduce Stress in your life. (Chapter One) Discover the best way to start listening to your inner voice. (Chapter One) Why appreciating what you have right NOW is vital for excellent health. (Chapter One) Learn the essentials of eating what is right for you. (Chapter Two) Find out what it takes to learn the art of enjoying your food. (Chapter Two) How to become a master at creating pleasureable experiences for yourself(Chapter Two) All this is just the first 2 chaptersbb YES!! What it means to appreciate yourself! (Chapter Three) Learn a simple excersice to make you feel a 100 times better about yourself. (Chapter Three) How to use breathing for your optimum health. (Chapter Three) Why Loving your body is the best way to change it! (Chapter Three) Discover how to make a habit of respecting yourself. (Chapter Four) The best way to build self confidence is to keep working on yourself.(Chapter Four) How to change negative self-talk to empowering thoughts. (Chapter Five) How to create relationships that will bring you love! (Chapter Six) Discover what dating after marriage is all about. (Chapter Six) Find out how to train yourself for happiness. (Chapter Seven) Learn how to find your passion (Chapter Seven) Discover the Diva Within you. (Chapter Eight) Embrace the eight virtues of a Diva. (Chapter Eight) AND much, much more... I've spent countless hours studying, reading and discussing all the issues facing modern women today. All the fears, insecurities, doubts and stress that we go through, trying to be the best person, mother, wife, friend, confidant and most importantly 'self' we can possibly be! It's not easy being a woman in this modern life we live. So much pressure is being put on each one of us that sometimes we just don't know if we can cope. The good news is we can. Sometimes all we need is a little reminder on just how to bring out that inner beautiful and strong person that each and every one of us possesses but sometimes loses. The aim of this book is to remind you of what it really means to be a woman, to help you remember the little things that can make a huge difference in your life right now and to encourage you to embrace your femininity with all it encomapasses from the vulnerable to the fun, from the tough to the tender, from the disciplinarian to the loving person you are! I am the first to admit that I am no doctor, psychologist, nutritionist, therapist or any other 'ist'. What I am is an everyday woman who is facing the same challenges every other woman in this world is facing. I am fascinated by what makes us humans tick, therefore I have spent many countless hours reading and studying information from the experts in their field and I have compiled all the information that I have leared and found useful in my life to be the best, most loving, most balanced and self confident woman I can be. My most sincere wish is that you will find this information as useful as I have and that it will help you and motivate you to start on a path of reading and self discovery to BE the very best YOU can be! In this book and audio interview series I have covered all bases in two parts. 1) My book that will allign your thinking beautifully about YOU. 2) An audio interview series with six hand selected experts that will reveal all about their areas of expertise. In the book we look at the internal and pchyhological aspects of Beauty and in the interview series we discover the external portion of it. From skin care and cosmetic ingredients to cosmetic procedures as well as diet and fashion we talk to the experts to get all the best information out there to help you be the best and most informed Skincare Diva! Here Are My Hand Picked Experts From The Health and Beauty Industry As They Reveal All - In Extended Audio Interviews... Now YOU Can Hear Straight From the Experts Who Have Nothing to Gain, But Everything to Give on How You Can Have Beautiful Skin, Body and Inner Health... ould you like to know the secrets of beautiful healthy skin without spending a fortune on high-hype beauty productsb Would you like to know exactly how to look after your skin by taking a simple and effective holistic approachb Would you like to have people comment on how beautiful and radiant your skin looks; no matter what your ageb You know whatb I LOVE being the Beauty Editor for The Beauty Review Magazine! As a beauty editor I get to meet and talk with some very interesting and knowledgeable people from the health and beauty industy on a wide range of issues facing women today. One of the issues that constantly arises from my readers is skincare. Here are some of the questions my readers are asking based on a recent survey: (See if these apply to you) - What is the best skincare for mebb - How can I look after my skin as I'm agingbb - What are the best value for money products that actually workb - How can I improve the condition of my skinb - How can I deal with my acne and rosaceab - How can I feel more self-confident in the skin I'm inb -How can I feel better about myselfb From these questions, one thing is apparent to me. There is a huge lack of education on what skincare is all about and unfortunately women are being led astray and are not getting the truth about skincare and anti-aging! Do you feel the same wayb Disillusionedb Let down by so-called expertsb Now, here me when I say that I'm the first to admit that I love the glitts and the glamour of the beauty industry. But there comes a time when you have to cut through the hype and get the truth. And that's what I've done! As a result, this got me thinking! What is the solutionb I thought to myself, with all my connections in the beauty industry, why not put together an elite group of skincare experts (the best of the best) who have no hidden agenda and get the truth...the absolute truth! And that's what I did... As a result Skincare Diva was born! You Can Get Started Today - Click Here Right Now! Here's what Skincare Diva is all about: Skincare Diva is about 6 Skincare Experts giving you a holistic approach to skincare. We cover the external skin, the internal, the mind and the body. Skincare Diva goes way beyond the symptoms of skin conditions, but instead delves into the causes. * Firstly let me just say, that this elite group of professionals are the best at what they do. I screened many so-called professionals before I settled on these six amazing ladies. * Secondly, I've done the hard work for you asking them ALL the questions that you wanted answered about skincare and anti-aging based of my survery of over 5,000 women. * Thirdly, I have put this information in easy-to-digest sessions that you can either print out from your computer and read OR download the MP3's audios and listen to them while you're driving, jogging or doing other stuff. Skincare Diva is All About Educating and Empowering YOU with Better Choices So You Can Enjoy Clear, Radiant and Healthy Skin I'm sure you've heard the saying that knowledge is POWER! Well, when you take affirmative action, it really is power. This is the reason I've created this series of interviews especially for you; so you can cut through the fluff and take control of your skincare with the confidence of knowing that you are looking after yourself and your wellbeing. You're about to take a full holistic approach to skincare and anti-aging like nothing else. This is not just a course in what face cream you should use, this is a whole new approach to looking after YOU from the inside out. In other words, your diet, your skincare routines and your personal confidence that we all need to feel inside our own skin. Excitedb You should be! It's Time For You to Meet The Skincare Professionals Who Will Be Taking You On This Amazing Journey... Expert Diva Number ONE Karen Fischer (Nutritionist) Discover in this Session: Karen will talk about the nutritional aspect of beauty and will explain why healthy skin starts on the inside and simple ways to start changing your skin. Karen will talk in dept about power foods for your skin as well as recommendations for women who suffer skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. Download the Full MP3 Audio Interview FREE with my Skincare Diva eBook Duration: 33min 35sec Expert Diva Number TWO Dr Gabby Caswell (Cosmetic Physician) Discover in this Session: Dr Gabby will talk about the best way to look after your skin as well as correcting some past damage already visible. - The best anti aging teatments available and how to look your very best at any age. - How to correct pigmentation, sun damage, acne and many other skin concerns. She discusses skin care ingredients as well as practical solutions for choosing and applying your skin care products. Download the Full MP3 Audio Interview FREE with my Skincare Diva eBook Duration: Part One: 46min 30sec Part Two: 42min 36sec Expert Diva Number THREE Eliza Finn (Naturopath) Discover in this Session: Eliza will dicuss the need to be holistically healthy for good skin. - How food affects your skin and the best foods to eat for optimal skin health. - How pampering yourself can have a huge benefit and the sort of foods and supplements that will support your lifestyle. Download the Full MP3 Audio Interview FREE with my Skincare Diva eBook Duration: 23min Expert Diva Number FOUR Terri Vinson (Biomedical Scientist) Discover in this Session: Terri reveals everything you've ever wanted to know about skin care products and ingredients. - The best anti aging skin care available and the truth about sunscreen. What ingredients to avoid in your skin care and what to look for. - Treatments for acne,sun damage and a variety of skin concerns. Anti-oxidants and their role in skin care and the benefits of aromatherapy. - Are the expensive over the counter anti aging mirracle creams wort itb And much more Download the Full MP3 Audio Interview FREE with my Skincare Diva eBook Duration: 39min 15sec Expert Diva Number FIVE Paula Begoun (Cosmetic Cop) Discover in this Session: Paula helps us to shop better and stop wasting money on unnecesary, unhepful cosmetics. - She discusses ingredients that are a must in everyone's skin care and the importance of sunscreen. Packaging that improves the product performance and the importance of exfoliation. - Why you need to know you skin type and does your skin change as you ageb Do the 'miracle ingredients' workb The benefits of Laser treatmets and Botox. Download the Full MP3 Audio Interview FREE with my Skincare Diva eBook Duration: 54min 16sec Expert Diva Number SIX Kathryn Finney (Fashion Guru) Discover in this Session: Kathryn chats about all things fashion. - How to determine what is fad and what is a timeless classic. - How to develop your own style and your signature piece. How your clothing affects your self esteem. - Learn to shop for your shape and where to go the get the best value for your money. - How to pamper yourself on a budget and some great advice when it omes to buying shoes. Download the Full MP3 Audio Interview FREE with my Skincare Diva eBook Duration: 39min Here's A Taste Of What You'll Learn In These Amazing Interviews... The "secret ingredients" you must have in your skin care product for them to work! How to go about choosing the right products for you. The single biggest mistake almost every woman makes at the Cosmetics Counter. How you can have a holistic approach to skincare and wellbeing. A simple product that is the best anti aging product you could ever use. Hidden and some not so hidden ingredients you must avoid. How to go about looking after your skin if you have acne, pigmentation, sun damage or other skin concerns. The single most important thing you must do before you choose your skin care products. What are the best anti aging foods you can have and how food affects your skin. Which foods will literally moisturise your skin. What to avoid in your diet that will cause your skin to age faster. The single biggest reason why some products will not work regardless of the ingredients in them. How to get the full benefits form non surgical facial cosmetic procedures. Discover the variety of laser treatments available and what skin conditions they are best for. How to work out and understand your skin type and what products will work best for you. How you can dress for success without breaking the bank. How to create your own personal style and signature piece that will be your calling card. The single biggest mistake you can make when shopping for a new outfit. Wow! All That From A Set Of Interviewsb YES! I've got all angles covered. I didn't want to take a one dimensional approach to skincare, I wanted to deal with the outside, the inside and the emotional side of us; and that's what Skincare Diva does. And not only did I want to take a three dimensional approach to skincare, but I wanted to deliver it to you in the way you consume information best. Some people prefer to read, while others prefer to listen and that's why you have the option to do both. "Livia, This Looks Great, But What Age Group is This Designed Forb" Everyone! You are never too young or old to look after yourself and your skin. The information in the Skincare Diva series is valuable no matter your age! Performance Coach and Speaker Anthony Robbins said, "It's more than what you eat or how often you exercise. It's even more than just essential steps to wellness. It's energy to fully live the game of life." PLUS...Bonus Audio Interview Downloads The Complete Skincare Diva e-Book and MP3 Audio Interview Series that you can listen to while you're on the go... (in ready-to-download format so you can begin TODAY! waiting for delivery) FOR ONLY: $37 CLICK TO ORDER NOW! Yes Livia! Give Me Instant Access To The Skincare Diva PDF Book and MP3 Audio Interviews Now!" Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will download the entire program along with your FREE Bonus Gifts. INSTANT ACCESS Purchase Online with the Clickbank Secure Server
You will be able to download the entire program...right away. CLICK TO ORDER NOW! Dare to be Beautiful, Livia Mercer P.S. Order Skincare Diva and get started within 10mins. 2009-2012 Livia Mercer - Skincare Diva (Affiliate Program) For more information:
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