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Dating For Geeks - The Essential Guide To Love For Intelligent Young Men
Dating for Geeks - The essential guide to love for intelligent young men Are you singleb I can help.
My name is Robert and I have a written a book for geeks who have difficulty with their love life.
IAm not the best looking guy in the world and IAm not a player whoAs slept with a hundred girls. But IAm happy. I am really happy. IAm happy because I finally figured out what girls are attracted to and have become comfortable and confident in the world of dating.
Does that sound like a skill you would like to haveb Well keep reading! Does this sound familiarb
You are a really nice guy but I just don't think of you as a boyfriend. I just want to be your friend. I don't want to spoil our friendship. You are intelligent and decent looking, I am sure there are lots of girls who'd love you. I am just not ready to be in a relationship right now. The history of dating is a history of ways that no longer work 1000 years ago, a man got a girl by giving her father 2 pieces of gold and a cow. You wouldnAt expect this approach to work now would youb Of course not! ItAs the 21st century! That approach is obviously worthless, but there is a lot more terrible dating advice out there from the age of our ancestors that a lot of guys donAt realize no longer works.
50 years ago, guys got girls by buying them flowers and a box of chocolate on the first date. If you try that now, a girl will just think you are a desperate and weird anachronism. But you will still find guys repeating outdated advice that you should buy women flowers and chocolate on a first date, thinking it will work. It doesnAt.
25 years ago, guys got girls by showing their sweet and sensitive side, talking about their feelings and not being afraid to say AI love you.A If you try that now, women will just assume you are gay or desperately lonely! But you will still find guys out there repeating old outdated advice about being a nice, sweet, sensitive man, thinking it will work. It doesnAt.
My book is about what works now. Prepare yourself to throw away a lot of outdated ideas you had about love and dating, no matter how emotionally comforting they may be. This is not a book about 'fast seduction' or becoming a pick up artist
YouAve probably seen a lot of information out there from the pick up artist community about AneggingA, NLP, and other psychological techniques to get women in bed. As you know, these only work on drunken bar skanks with an IQ under 90. Have you ever noticed how these guys never seem to keep a girl for more than 4 weeksb Do you think itAs because they want it to be that wayb Having sex with random drunken women is a totally different skillset to getting a girlfriend! My book is different to all those other guides on the internet because I focus on building long-term skills and knowledge to make you permanently attractive, not just attractive enough to get a girl to come home with you for one night. None of the player BS, just quality advice on how to get a quality girl.
As you know, there is no one fits all approach that works with every single woman. That is why my book focuses on developing a broad base of skills that will make you appealing to a larger percentage of women, dramatically increasing your odds of success in your love life. At the same time, there are some mistakes that most geeks make that all women find unattractive. I will reveal these mistakes to you so you never unknowingly sabotage your love life again.
This book is NOT for: Players, pick-up-artists, and other guys who are just looking for random casual sex. Prudish Asaving-it-for-marriageA people. Guys looking for easy gimmicks like magic pickup lines and pheromone sprays.
This book is for: Geeky guys aged 18-29 who want a girlfriend and a normal healthy relationship. Guys who have never been out on a date before. Guys who have been out on a few dates, but canAt seem to get a second date. Guys who constantly hear AI donAt want to ruin our friendshipA or AYou are such a nice guy.A Guys who want the definitive lowdown on online dating and how to come out ahead of all the other guys you have to compete with. Guys who donAt know what to say to a girl in real life. Guys who have trouble telling whether a girl likes them. Guys who need help building confidence. Guys who need guidance on how to become more attractive to women. Guys who fall in love with girls, only to find out that the girl is not interested in them. You NEED this book if: You have never been out on a date before. You are 18+ and still a virgin. You are crazy about a certain special girl but she just doesn't seem to love you back and you don't know what to do. You have an Asian cultural background and are having trouble getting western girls (I am Asian and I have a special chapter just for you!)
What you get: Everything comes in a simple zip file with no DRM, just the way we like it. Each chapter is a separate PDF. Incidentally, if you want a PDF viewer that is WAY less bloated than Adobe Acrobat, try Foxit Reader. I love it. Other PDF viewers will still work fine though.
You know what I like bestb The price. I am offering you a lifetime's worth of love and dating experience for $19.99. Think how much money you spent buying girls food, drinks and gifts over the years. Where did it get youb At less than the cost of one failed date, this book pays for itself.
Money back Guarantee If for some reason you arenAt happy with the advice I give you, email me and IAll send you your money back. I have no interest in scamming people. I just want to help you guys avoid all the crap I had to go through when I was a younger. Seriously, if only I had this knowledge when I was in high school man my life would have been different!
Got questionsb Email me at
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