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Gout Diet Guide | Arthritis Diet Plan - Gout Diet Guide - Gouty Arthritis Diet Plan
Gout Diet Guide | Arthritis Diet Plan - Gout Diet Guide - Gouty Arthritis Diet Plan Looking for a definite Gout Diet Planb Burnt out and loosing hope about your Gouty ArthritisbDrop everything and read every word on this page... the next few minutes could change your life completely... This Month's FREE Update: Sample 7-Day GoutDiet Menu Plan, Gout Foods to Avoid Checklists,and 30+Samplerecipes for Gouty Arthritis Patients. We did all the hardwork for you so you can get started TODAY! You'veprobably been looking for something like this in the past few weeks, months or even years... So im not going to waste your time bypitching anything or making false claims. Instead, Im going to show you what past few clients withgout disease had to say: "My Uric Acid Levels Went Down After3 Weeks Of Following The Gout Diet Guide!" "...I hadgout for2 and a halfyears before I got a hold of this ebook by Nurse Claudine. Just3 weekslater after I had my regularly scheduled laboratory test for uric acid levels, my doctor was amazed mygout diseasewere progressing. It continues until today after all these months of following the "Gout Diet Guide Book" I really am thankful to have come across this amazing guide. Easily the Best book about reversingGout throughdiets! And the recipes included made the transition easy enough for a guy like me to follow! Thanks Claudine!" - Jermaine Lucas, 53 Houston, Texas "Best Guide Book On Managing Gout Through Low Purine Diet" Being a sufferer for almosta year now, I have several books on Gout Remedies, Treatments, etc but this is by far the most convenient and straight to the point guide. Everything has been summarized and pointed out in a well versed manner. I recommended this to my cousin who has the same condition. Thank You. -Scott Bernstein, 47 Redding, California "Lessened My Husband's GoutAttacks By More Than 70%" It's such a shame that I just found out about this product a few weeks ago through a local communitynursewho recommended this website to me. She said this willshow me everything I need to know on how to manage gout pains. Surely enough, shewas right! My husband is now feeling great and he lessened the gout attacks by more than 70%. I hope more people will be able to learn about your ebook. And oh, I like the 7-daySample Gout Diet Plan that was included in your ebook. It really was a big help! -Margarette Paul, 44 Toronto, Canada These are just some of the testimonials that we have received from clients over these past few months after offering this book to the public. I'm about to reveal to you, scientifically-proven secrets that reversed hundreds of gouty arthritisforpatients in the hospital where I worked, without any dangerous surgeriesor the never-ending cycle expense of over-the-countermedications that don't work, and how it changed hundreds ofmy patients' lives forever. From: Claudine Henderson, BSN, RN Veteran Gout Nurse, Medical Researcher, Health Consultant Author Veteran Nurse, MedicalResearcher, Health ConsultantAuthor Dear Gout Patient, I know what its like to wake up one morning with a swollen, reddened foot accompanied by fever and intense pain. I know what its like to desperately try every possible remedy, only to have a new gout flare-up within a few months. And Im here to tell you that you dont have to live this way anymore. In the next few moments, youll discover how you can find the keys to managing your gout and taking control of your life again. You may be surprised by how easy some of these tips are to incorporate into your daily lifestyle, but by taking a multi-pronged approach, you can win the battle against gout while still doing the things you love to do. My name is Claudine Henderson. I am a professional nurse and Ive spent my entire career helping goutpatients find ways to manage their pain so they can live full lives. For the past five years, Ive focused specifically on the needs of gout patients. With the knowledge Ive gained through my experience as well as through scientific research and medical journalpublications, I want to help you discover how you can manage your gout symptoms, live your life the way you want to, and have the energy you need to enjoy your family and friends. My five years specializing in gout arthritis and gout diethas led me to the conclusion that most gout sufferers dont have to live with pain. Using techniques Ill share with you in a few moments, Ive helped hundreds of patients manage their pain while also increasing energy, slowing the aging process, losing weight, and building immunity. If youre ready to take back your life from the clutches of gout through a special gout diet, keep reading. You owe it to yourself and your family to take advantage of this opportunity to benefit from my extensive experience and research in this area. This will be some of the most important information you will ever read. What is Gout And Gouty Arthritisb Gout has been around for a long time. Through the course of history, gout has touched the lives of such well-known figures as Alexander the Great, Christopher Columbus, and Benjamin Franklin. For many centuries, people associated gout with the wealthy because they thought eating and drinking excessively would bring on gout flare-ups. The truth, however, is that gout can strike anyone at any time for a variety of reasons. As a type of arthritis, gout can afflict people from all walks of life. There is a little bit of truth in the theory that your eating habits can cause gout, however, since eating foods rich in certain types of acids can precipitate an attack. Most people first experience symptoms in the joints of their lower extremities such as the big toe, ankles, and heels. You Are Not Alone If you have gout, you need to know that you are not alone. More than 6 million people have experienced gout symptoms including men, women, teenagers, children, and people of diverse ethnicities. Statistically, you are more likely to have gout if you are male, if you have a family history of the disease, if you are African-American, or if you have had an organ transplant. Women can also experience gout, however, especially after menopause when the body produces less estrogen. Despite statistics, however, gout can strike anyone, anywhere no matter your age, health, genetics, ethnicity, or lifestyle. If you think you may be at risk for gout, its important to know what the symptoms are so you can recognize an attack. What Are the Symptoms of Goutb When people think of gout, they typically think of swollen, aching feet that may be red and warm to the touch. These are not the only symptoms however. If youve experienced any of the following, you may have been the victim of a gout attack: AAIntense, throbbing pain that begins at night AAFever AAPain and swelling in a joint, usually beginning in the feet AAPain that increases intensely for several hours and then decreases over the course of a few days AAPeeling skin around the painful joint AARed or purple skin around the painful joint AANodules on your hands, elbows, or ears Gout can also affect joints in your upper limbs including wrists, fingers, and elbows, and may lead to more chronic types of arthritis. Why Did I Have a Gout Attackb As I mentioned earlier, gout can be caused by a number of different factors. While some view gout as a result of poor eating and drinking habits, in reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Dont let misguided people make you feel guilty if youve experienced a gout attack. Your experience with gout could have been caused by any of the following: Genetics Between 20% and 80% of gout patients have a history of the disease. Your family history may not be a surefire indicator, but you should certainly be conscious of the possibility that gout may be in your future if you have family members with the disease. Menopause in Women During menopause, women experience a spike in uric acid which accompanies the decrease in estrogen production. This excess uric acid can place women at risk for gout. Diet Diets high in purine-rich foods and alcohol place you at greater risk for gout than diets that consist of more alkaline foods. Rapid Weight Loss Losing high amounts of weight quickly can increase the amount of uric acid in your blood, particularly if you are already significantly overweight. Obesity Excess bodyweight requires your kidneys to work harder than they would normally to remove uric acid from your blood stream. If the kidneys cant keep up, the excess uric acid can cause gout. Other Causes While the above causes account for many cases of gout, your symptoms may also be caused by other factors which I discuss in detail in my gout ebook. As you can see, gout can be attributed to any one of a number of causes, and sometimes to several of the above. Dont feel guilty if people imply that your lifestyle choices have caused your gout. This is a common but completely unfounded assumption made by people who have never experienced the pain and inconvenience gout brings. Youve probably realized already that gout is not your fault and that you deserve the chance to take back your life and do the things you love to do without the threat of gout flare-ups hanging over you. Im Ready to Take Back My Life! Gout shows up at the most inconvenient times. It can keep you from attending your grandchilds graduation, from taking that special vacation with your spouse that youve been looking forward to, or from using the concert tickets your kids gave you for your birthday. Its time to stop missing out on your life! Its time to take control of your daily choices back from the clutches of gout. If youre ready to find out how, you need the information Im about to share with you. The Four Ways to Treat GoutWhich One is Right for Meb Your medical history, current lifestyle, symptoms, and progression of gout will determine which treatment will be best for you. Here are the four common ways gout can be treated. Expensive And DangerousMedications There are several medications that can effectively treat the symptoms of gout. They cant cure your gout, but they can help you manage your symptoms so the flare-ups dont control your life. All drugs have side effects, some of which could be serious, so make sure you know both the short-term and long-term effects of any drug before taking it. Unsafe Herbal Remedies People treated gout with herbs for centuries before medications were available. Herbs tend to have fewer negative effects, although they still are not side-effect free. Be sure to tell your doctor if youve been treating your gout with herbal remedies before he prescribes a drug for you, since herbs can sometimes create negative reactions with certain medications. Lifestyle Remedies There are some things you can do right in your own home to ease the symptoms of gout when you have a flare-up. Cold compresses, elevation, and blood stimulation can all ease the pain you feel from your gout. In addition, Ill discuss some more intensive plans of action that you can incorporate that will help you treat your gout without medication. Simple AndEasy To FollowGOUT DIET Described in detail in my ebook, the alkaline diet for gout can reduce the levels of uric acid in your blood, meaning that youll decrease your risk of flare-ups. Diet is one of the number one steps you can take to prevent gout flare-ups. Thats Great to Know NurseClaudine, But How Do I Get Startedb Dont worry if you are unsure how to begin using these four treatments to ease your gout symptoms. My bookwill walk you step by step through each possible treatment option and will help you decide how to use the various treatments effectively for the most relief. In general, here are the steps you need to take to start eliminating gout flare-ups right now. Keep in mind, though, that your treatment will differ based on your medical history and individual causes for your gout flare-ups. Thats why its important for you to find out as much as you can about how and why gout occurs and what you can do to effectively treat it. Here are the steps to immediate gout relief: 1. See your doctor. Its important for every gout patient to be evaluated by a medical professional in order to determine what the most likely causes for your gout might be. Your doctor can also help you decide if you need medication to treat your gout. 2. Stay hydrated. Water helps keep uric acid levels in your body low and can flush uric acid out of your system before it has a chance to cause gout symptoms. Research shows that drinking enough water can reduce your risk of having a gout flare-up by as much as 40%, so keep that water flowing. 3. Incorporate lifestyle changes. When you make the lifestyle habits discussed in my book a part of your daily routine, youll experience immediate and lasting relief that can keep your body in the best possible health while reducing your likelihood of experiencing a debilitating gout attack. 4. Follow the alkaline diet Ill share with you in my e-book. Ive spent a lot of time researching foods and recipes that will help keep the uric acid levels in your body under control and I want to share that knowledge with you in order to help relieve your gout symptoms. In my e-book, I offer lists of foods that are alkaline (eat these to reduce your risk of gout attacks), lists of foods with high levels of uric acid (avoid these gout-causing foods at all costs), recipes that will keep your uric acid levels in check, and guidelines on how to change your diet and lifestyle to manage your gout. Dont worry; you wont have to spend hours poring over medical terms and symptoms in order to figure out the best way to treat your gout. My gout ebook will tell you everything you need to know about the four stages of gout, your treatment options, and how to decide which treatment is right for you. Arent There Plenty of Books on Gout Alreadyb Why Another Oneb Sure, there are plenty of books out there that talk about this poorly understood disease. Some of them blame the patient by implying that only people with poor lifestyle habits will get gout. Others are filled with difficult to understand medical terminology that leaves you feeling as though youre at the mercy of the medical profession to find relief. Still others offer time-consuming diet plans and recipes filled with ingredients that you dont normally keep in your kitchen, requiring lots of extra expense and preparation effort. This book is different because Im coming to you as someone who has seen the whole gamut of gout related causes and treatments. Ive watched people try those other methods and Ive seen them fail. Ive worked with patients young and old whose gout was caused by a wide variety of factors, and while I cant offer you a cure for gout (no one can), I can tell you what Ive seen work for hundreds of my patients. I can share with you the benefit of years of experience working one-on-one with other people who have been in your exact situation and who have turned their lives around by following these techniques. How Will This Gout DietGuide Benefit Help You Starting TODAY... The Gout Ebook holds the keys to your health. Heres a sneak peek inside the cover to give you an idea of whats in store: AAA Sample 7-Day Gout Diet Plan that you can easily use starting today and replicate it easily and conveniently. This has been carefully planned out for you so all you have to do is digest the gout diet plan and live with it starting today! AAA simple and easyGout Diet Recipes, GoutFood Lists, and tips on which foods can start taking the pain out of a gout attack from day one. I compiled a great resource for you to be able to get started with the Gouty Arthritis Diet Plan right away. We separated it into appetizers, main courses and even desserts so you can easily pick out your favorite dish and not worry about having gout flare-ups anymore! AAA straightforward discussion about gout, its causes, its symptoms, and what you might experience if you have a gout attack. We will be tackling about why YOU have gout, what kind of gout do YOU have and how YOU can reverse it using a gout diet that has been scientifically proven to lower your uric acid levels. AAThe four stages of gout and how you can begin the healing process during each stage. Youll never view gout suffering passively again when you understand this vital information. There is a little known secretthat you have to go throughin each phase of the gout to be able to eliminate the disease right from its roots. If you do it wrong, you may end up worsening your condition. AAA list of the foods you probably eat every day that could be contributing to more severe gout attacks. By avoiding these foods, you can cut your risk of gout attacks today. This is easily the most comprehensive list that you will ever need to take care of your gout through a research-based gout diet plan. AAA simple plan of attack for treating gout at home and in conjunction with your doctor. Youll learn how to minimize your risks, how to diminish pain during a flare-up, and how to use herbs to your best advantage. This will get your started immediately and you will be in your way to reversing your gouty arthritis through a specially designed goutyarthritis guide. AAThe nine most common myths about gout and why they absolutely shouldnt play a part in your gout experience. Ive heard it all, from the laughable to the dangerous, and Ill share this knowledge with you to help you stay on the right track while dealing with gout. Misleading and deception stops here. Learn from me as I uncover these myths and separate the facts from pure fiction. You will easily get everything you need to know so you can take care of your condition independently. AAAnd much, much more that you cant afford to miss if you suffer from gout in any degree! So What's The Bottom Line CostClaudineb Earlier, I promised a great price for this, and I wasnt kidding... For a product that has this much content and value and has been proven to work for gout patients time and time again, you might also expect a high price... But you're wrong. Its really not. If you download a copy right now, at this very minute, you can get it for just $47. For just $47, you will be able to turn your life around... Its a no brainer purchase for you as we have put up our iron clad, no questions asked, 60-day money back guarantee along with the lifetime bonuses that you will receive. All for a one time fee of $47. The Gout Diet Guide is the last guide you will ever going to need. So take action: Are You Ready to Take Control of Your Healthb Imagine waking up tomorrow and knowing that you hold in your hands the power to change your life. Imagine experiencing increased health and lower risk of gout flare-ups by this time next week. Imagine never again having to miss out on those special events in the lives of your family and friends due to gout pain. You can experience these benefits and more as you begin implementing the techniques in my ebook. Are you ready for your doctor look at you in shock as he discovers your new and improved physical well-beingb Are you ready for your family and friends to tell you how proud they are that you decided to do something about your healthb Are you ready to take back your life from the clutches of goutb If you feel like you are in a crossroad right now, that's because you probably are... And the next 3 minutes will unveil everything. Perhaps it might well be one of the most crucial and life-changing 3 minutes of your life. The first road will lead you to keep your $47, maybe save it for the next doctor visit and live the same exact life you have been living since you had your gout disease. Tomorrow will be just like yesterday. It will be like any other. 100% Total Satisfaction "You'll See Incredible Results From This Diet Guide" Or Your Money Back Guaranteed! I literally have put myself into this book and my reputation is all at stake here. I have put everything that I know into here so this will really work you up... to get you the life you deserve. Together with my husband, we look forward to hearing from your success to finally beat your gout disease. Very sincerely yours, Veteran Gout Nurse, Medical Researcher, Health Consultant Author After purchase you will be redirected to where you can easily download and read your digital books (E-Books). Nothing is mailed to you, these are downloadable products only. P.S.To checkout, click the orange button on the "Add to cart" page. P.P.S.Remember to act immediately. I cannot promise to extend the special price, or the bonuses at any given date. Once the webmaster tells me we have enough for the newletter, we will shut it down the same day. P.P.P.S.Dont forget this is an absolutely no risk purchase.If at any time of the 60 days you feel that you are not happy with the results, you can get a full refund. No questions asked. P.P.P.P.S. TheGout Diet Guideis a 91-page, no fluff, compressed and direct to the point E-book for one reason and one reason only - To keep big publishing companies from forcing me to make it more main stream and less controversial. Every word in this book is my interpretation of the scientific research without any hidden agendas or special interests. It is written exactly the way I want you to read it. No editing, No compromises. Special Reminder:TheFattyGout Guide is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book and all the bonuses onto your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. Copyright All rights Reserved 85-12 Parsons Blvd. Jamaica Hills, NY 11432 Disclaimer:I am a nurse butnot a medical doctor. If you feel you havegout disease, or any symptoms described, it is imperative that you seek proper medical attention immediately. Never start a medical, exercise or diet program without first consulting your doctor. The informationI provide on this website is taken fromother reference materials, experiences and medicaljournals. It should not be used as medical diagnosis or advise.It is intended solely for reference based on personal experiences. Resultsare not typical,may vary and should not be taken in place for proper medical treatment by a doctor. By viewing this site, you have agreed to our full medial disclaimer. Home | Contact | Disclaimer | Articles | Affiliates
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