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Letaas Write A Grant Is Step-by-step Guide For Writing Foundation Grant Proposals And Improving Proposal Writing.
LetAs Write a Grant is step-by-step guide for writing foundation grant proposals and improving proposal writing. How to Escape from the Grant Writing Maze and Get Funded
A required textbook at Purdue University Calumet, LetAs Write a Grant is a step-by-step guide for writing foundation grant proposals that grab attention, build confidence, and garner funding. Dear Grant Writer, LetAs Write a Grant is the most practical book on the market to learn grant writing. The book is a step-by-step guide that demonstrates how to write standard foundation grant proposals. The book uses an easy-to-follow format leading the writer through the development of a grant request by posing questions to answer in each of the seven sections in a common grant application: Summary
Learn the four make-or-break questions your summary must answer. (p.11)
Agency Description
Get the foundation to take you seriously the 11 questions you need to answer to prove your organization is the Areal deal.A (p.13)
Needs Section
Get the reader on your sidethe seven questions you must cover to prove your project is worth funding. (p.17)
Project Description
Bring your project Ato lifeA for the reader by answering these 12 questions. (p.19)
Do this to show you are serious about measuring results. (p.22)
Financial Information
Fail to explain this and the foundation will think you do not need help. (p.25)
Calm funder nerves by addressing Ared flagsA in your budget. (p.27) Detailed information is provided about each of the seven sections: The purpose of the section. The costly mistake faith-based organizations make. (p.14) The length of the section. You may be giving too much information. (p.30) Writing tips. Did you know that some jargon can actually help you to build credibilityb (p.7) Common writing problems. Two foolish mistakes that leave readers scratching their heads. (p.20) Why the foundation asks for the information. Five deadly words that can put your application on life support. (p.7) Examples for the writer to review and follow. Learn by studying a powerful sample proposal! (pp.41-44) And that only scratches the surface of what youAll learn from this information-packed book. Do you know the best time to apply for a grantb (p.3)
Is yours a new organizationb How to establish credibility. (p.14)
Do you know the little known Athree strike ruleAand how to use it to rescue a rejected proposalb (p.2) Start strong: the five key elements you must include in the cover letterAs opening paragraph. (p.35) Does the type of mailing packaging you use really matterb (p.38)
No recent audit of your organizationb Do not be disqualifiedAuse this work-around (p.29)
Boost your chances of success with the cover letterAs signature. Learn how. (p.35)
The AeyesA have itthe font that keeps the readerAs breezing along the page. (p.7) For new and experienced grant writers, LetAs Write a Grant addresses how to write a cover letter and a one-page letter proposal. It also saves you time by demonstrating how to quickly and easily convert a letter proposal into a letter of intent. LetAs Write a Grant even provides information on how to get the most out of a single foundation proposalAby tailoring the proposal to send to other foundations. Once the proposal is written, then whatb This book even offers advice for packaging your proposals so they make the right impression once a foundation receives them. Attention teachers: LetAs Write a Grant is a great resource for persons wanting to learn how to write a grant AND it is great tool for instructors who teach grant writing. LetAs Write a Grant is the required textbook used by the author and other instructors at Purdue University Calumet to teach grant writing. Instructors say the book can be easily adapted into the curriculum of most any course. Use LetAs Write a Grant to teach grant writing. Teach a stand-alone class or workshop on grant writing or incorporate the bookAs content into other courses. LetAs Write a Grant is, for example, part of the curricula for courses in instructional technology at Purdue University Calumet and the basis of the web site for grant writers, LetAs Write a Grant: makes suggestions for improving your proposal writing offers a step-by-step writing guide breaks the proposal into writing sections helps you to build a grant proposal by answering simple questions provides easy-to-follow instructions and examples provides writing and budget examples LetAs Write a Grant is a required textbook for Purdue University CalumetAs Instructional Technology Master of Science degree program and has been the basis for the authorAs grant writing classes conducted at the University of Missouri-St. Louis for over 20 years. Hear what these experienced writers have to say about LetAs Write a Grant: AI wanted to pass along that our grant writer has been using LetAs Write a Grant to re-write some of our stock proposals. She says it is OUTSTANDING, the best book she has used on the topic. It is the best, most concise guide we have found that really explains each component of a strong proposal. In terms of clarity, conciseness, and usability, it is head and shoulders above anything available at The Foundation Center, and we have reviewed copies of all their proposal writing books. Thank you for this valuable resource!A - Joseph Berninger, Cincinnati, Ohio AI've been a grant writer for 15 years and have not found a more concise step-by-step guide to writing a winning proposal than "Let's Write a Grant" by Glenda O'Neal. This book is a "must have" for any level grant writer. Ms. O'Neal has simplified the art of grant writing.A - Karen Wells, Boca Raton, FL AI am a teacher and, having written state government grants, am amazed by how the author has simplified and broken down the writing process to develop a foundation grant. The book is well-written and organized, easy to follow, and a great writing guide. I've read and placed it on my book shelf as a "can't live without it" reference book. I can finally stop searching for a good "how-to-write-a-grant" book because I've found it!A - Brenda Lack, Carmi, IL LetAs Write a Grant is a great instructional tool for beginning grant writers and persons wanting to learn grant writing: AIt was so nice to receive your excellent book on how to write a grant. I will be teaching a small workshop on grant writing this week and would love to use some of your ideas, with your permission, AND tell attendees how to buy copies.A - Karin M. Mills, Indianapolis, IN CLICK HERE TO ORDER THE EBOOK NOW Order your copy of LetAs Write a Grant for $39.95 and begin grant writing today! EASY DELIVERY LetAs Write a Grant is an Adobe Acrobat file (.pdf) format. After purchasing LetAs Write a Grant you will be directed to a secure page where you will download the file. Almost all computers have Adobe Acrobat Reader pre-installed. However, if your computer does not, we will provide a link that lets you download this software for free. Adobe Acrobat is compatible with all PC and Macintosh computers. IMMEDIATE ACCESS You will have instant access to LetAs Write a Grant after your purchase. You will be automaticaly be redirected to a page where you can download the file, so there will be no wait time. SECURE ORDERING THROUGH CLICKBANK.COM You will purchase LetAs Write a Grant through for secure ordering. This is the most secure method of payment possible, and it is used for your protection. Click on the button below to order now and you have 60 days to decide whether or not to keep Let's Write a Grant. If you decide to return it, weAll refund your money. ThatAs our no-risk guarantee. 2010 grant writing resources | about the author | privacy policy | affiliates | contact us
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