Friday, 7 June 2013

Household Medical Manual - For Seniors And Aged

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Household Medical Manual - For Seniors And Aged
Household Medical Manual - For Seniors And Aged About The Author: Donald du Toit is a doctoral alumnus of the Universities of Oxford (Wolfson College), England and Stellenbosch, South Africa. Qualified DPHIL (OXON)., PHD., MB.ChB., FCS., FRCS. Emeritus and Previous Academic Chairs in Surgery , Anatomy and Research. Past medical teacher, Principle Investigator (PI) and researcher with the MRC. Your A-Z Medical Encyclopedia For Seniors And Aged! Household Medical Manual is youre clear and concise, all in one A-Z medical encyclopaediaand knowledge partner covering 500 health problems relevant to aging in E.Book format. This resource is an informativeguide and does not replace your family physician. The contents provides the senior with rapid retrievable, comprehensive, evidence-based information and science , to facilitate an ethical and sensible discussion regarding treatment issues, risks and informed-consent with the specialist. The systematic and evidence-based approach covers modern medicine disorders, advanced non-invasive surgical technologies and the newest treatments relevant to the aged and backed by science. This integrated and understandable approach facilitates and bonds the doctor-patient consultation wherehe or she has the advantage of having 500 resources and 200 medical references in one E.Book for instant downloading on PC, I-Pad, Tablet or Android. This guide will prove to be handy at all times andwill provide you with the necessary medical information you seekbefore seeing and preparing for the specialist consultation.It also provides home-care remedies andthe reader will be able to view the wide-ranging coverage of this medical manual on handheld deviceswhere ever they go or travel! Please Note: Household Medical Manual For Seniors And Aged is not a substitute for the patient-doctor relationship and does not replace a medical health-care provider, hospital, emergency room or specialist. Features offered in the ebook on aging: Aging process and principles of geriatric medicine. Guide to informed-consent with your doctor. Value of a living-will and informed-directive. End-of-life decisions: Last chapter. Womens diseases. Human-rights and self-determination. Termination of life-support, suicide, euthanasia. Heart disease in woman. New developments. Stents and bypass surgery. Surgery at the age of 100-years. Breast cancer and new oncological advances to improve QOL. Cancer oncology of the prostate, colon, ovary, testis, uterus, cervix, lung. Medical psychiatry including obsession, delirium, depression, panic, phobias,dementia, Alzheimers disease. Blood disorders: anaemia, leukaemia, CLL, lymphoma, multiple myeloma. Sexual medicine, sex and erectile dysfunction. Musculo-skeletal disorders: fibromyalgia, arthritis, osteoporosis,artificial joint replacement and expectations. Retirement, sleeping, visual and hearing disorders, vertigo, foot problems. Modern , non-invasive, endovascular treatment of the heart, aneurysms. New advances in HIV-AIDS , sexually Household Medical Manualfor seniors and the aged in manual format, empowers the person to ethically: Retain control of his/her rights regarding future medical decisions. Facilitate informed consent, discussion or consultation with a doctor or refusalregarding his/her health treatment options and planned interventions. Make up his/her mind and weigh-up treatment options from the profession. Control and influence his/her future and terminal care. Retain his/her rights regarding self-determination and destiny. Facilitates the understanding of a living will or informed-directive and retain control of future treatment when he/she is not able to give further consent. Understand and make end-of-life decisions. Retain autonomy at the end-of-life and process an informative disclosure. Make decisions in hopeless situations, where futile interventions will only prolongsuffering, be financially not viable, and reduce quality-of-life. Remain in control of his/her human-rights even at the end-of-life and last chapter-of-life. Decide if life-support systems (ventilators) and resuscitation at the end-of-life are in his/her interest when the prognosis is hopeless. Retain control of terminal destiny; future autonomy, regards treatment options such assurgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and intensive-care medicine, dying process, choices for the future, termination of life-support devices, and when it is time to stop. Decide to be kept comfortable without further pointless treatment strategies and that noresuscitation should be ventured when the heart stops and he/she be left to die at that time. Other important aspects covered in the Ebook: Process of ageing and outcomes (pathology, atherosclerosis). Principles of geriatric medicine (approach to the aged and 80- years). Diseases of the cardiovascular system (anatomy, heart, arrhythmias, myocardial infarction,peripheral vascular disease, heart failure, aneurysms, endovascular interventions, aortic-stenosis, gangrene, pulmonary-embolism, DVT, valve replacement, diabeticfoot, atrium-fibrillation,anti-coagulation). Diseases of the respiratory system (COPD, TB, pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, FLU and vaccinations). Diseases of the genito-urinary system (prostate, uterus, testis cancers, ovarian cancer, cervix and bladder cancer, stones, urinary incontinence). Diseases of the neurological system (tremors, stroke, motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis, delusions, delirium, chorea, neuro-anatomy, insomnia, restless legs, shingles, spinal disorders). Diseases of blood (anaemia, ecchymosis, leukaemia, CLL, multiple myeloma). Diseases of the endocrine system (thyroid, tumours, myxoedema). Diseases of the musculo-skeletal system and joints (rheumatoid and osteo- arthritis, gout,Pagets disease, shoulder, knee and hip replacement surgery, spinal conditions , osteoporosis, osteomalacia, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel ). Diseases of the skin (psoriasis, shingles, cancers, basal cell carcinoma, melanoma). Diseases of the ENT-system (anatomy, Menieres disease, hoarseness, deafness, balance problems and falls, vertigo, Bells palsy, larynx cancer). Infectious diseases (HIV-AIDS, TB and sexually transmitted illness, Dengue fever,nosocomial infections, Legionella, MRSA, Travellers diarrhoea, malaria, E.coli). Diseases of the eye (glaucoma, Fuchs dystrophy, cataract, macular degeneration, retina, uveitis). Diseases of the gastro-enterological system (GERD, ulcers, cancer, Barretts oesophagus, appendicitis, hematemesis, gall-stones, bowel obstruction, jaundice, pancreatitis, colorectal cancer, colon polyps, oral cavity and gum disease, metabolic and elevated cholesterol, diverticular disease, acute abdomen, piles). Pain management (acupuncture and other). Cancers, chemotherapy, drug side-effects in the aged, oncological approaches and terminal-care (cancer, colon, pancreas, oesophagus, stomach, lung cancer, breast) Living will and ethics regarding end-oflife (euthanasia, suicide). Medical psychiatry (Alzheimers, dementia, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, delusions,personality disorders, OCD, Parkinsonism, phobias, panic disorders). Sexual medicine (sex, intercourse, penis, coitus, vagina, G-spot, dyspareunia, erectile dysfunctionin the aged, rape). Infectious diseases (AIDS in aged and seniors). Index and cited literature (alphabetically and other electronic resources). 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