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Garage Sale Blueprint
Run a successful garage or yard sale every time! 10-part step by step video course shows you how. Make a great part time or full time income with garage or yard sales.
Don't you wish that you had this many customers at your garage saleb Dear friend, bI just feel so helpless and foolish. Gregbs words, not mine Imagine being unemployed and struggling financially and spending your last money on some fly by night get rich quick scheme in one last ditch effort to pay the rent which of course was an absolute disaster. How would that make you feelb Because for my friend Greg, that is exactly what happened. He really worked hard, put in the hours and was dedicated and followed the bcourse instructions to the letter but he forgot one thing, a real tried and tested business idea, backed up by a solid training courseGARAGE SALE BLUEPRINT! bHow I generated $2,017.50 in 2 weeks starting from scratch in just 2 weeks He came to me desperate So I shared with him a simple formula that generated $2,017.50 in just 2 short weeks When Greg showed me the bmake instant money product that he spent his last he dollars on, I went ballistic! I got so mad because people really should not be allowed to sell such worthless rubbish! The course had no substance and no structure. It was just an e-book that looked like someone had just done a quick Google search and thrown some junk on page. Clearly the course creator had never run the same business model that he was bteaching in his life. It did not take into account that people who bought the course generally did not have a lot, if any money, with which to start the business. It was supposed to be able to be brun in your spare time but this was clearly not possible. The instructions were also so complicated and confusing (as most scams usually are). I shared a simple business model with Greg that allowed him to start his new business instantly without any money. Even though he could have done it in his spare time, as he had no job he committed to giving it his best shot for 2 short weeks. He got results with his first sale that many bindustry veterans can only dream of and you will begin to see how using my simple techniques backed up by clear structured program and a video course, showing the exact steps necessary to run a successful garage or yard sale in just 2 weeks Greg admitted after his sale that while doing the sale in two weeks was financially rewarding that his stress levels were through the roof! bI will definitely give myself 4 weeks next time! he said. bINTRODUCING THE GARAGE SALE BLUEPRINT! Today you get a chance to add your name to the list of garage sale and yard sale professionals that earn an awesome part time or full time income. Do you know what makes a successful garage sale earning a minimum of $2,000 per saleb Good preparation and making sure you follow all the critical steps illustrated in Garage Sale Blueprint. Period Have you ever ordered an expensive bhow to make money course or even any other bhow to make a fortune at garage sales courseb If so, go back and find it, dust off the cobwebs and ask yourself one questionwas it worth the moneyb Chances are that you will answer nowhybbecause the hype has died down. You no longer have that slick sales letter convincing you that if you order their over priced product it will solve all of your worldly problems. A clear blueprint with proven step by step instructions sellsnot hype and other B.S In fact the best way to learn something is by copying other successful people. And this is why I have created this easy to follow, step by step system (including a video of the whole process from start to finish) that will guide you through learning how to be a successful garage sale professional. bDOES GARAGE SALE BLUEPRINT REALLY GET RESULTSb I am a chartered accountant (CPA in the US) and a registered auditor and I have just quit this high paying job to do what I love and that is teaching people REAL PROVEN WAYS OF MAKING MONEY. You will also be getting all my years of experience as a flea market owner. When you combine all of these skills together, you get a very structured step by step program. My flea market experience is invaluable when it comes to advertising and marketing your garage sale or yard sale. No other product on the market can offer what I can. Well donbt just take my word for itSee what others have to say. b Wow, that was so easy. I made more than I was expecting. I canbt wait for my next sale! Desiree H. South Africa bA big thank you to James for this wonderful course. The advertising section was brilliant and played a huge roll in my success.Grateful Greg M. Johannesburg bHEREbS JUST A SMALL TASTE OF WHAT YOUbLL LEARN INSIDE The 6 important steps you must know before you can even begin to think of holding a successful garage sale or yard sale (this also applies to estate sales, rummage sales, jumble sales and tag sales). This will ensure that your sales look professional and because you have all your bases covered you will make every cent possible. Inside Youbll Discover. VIDEO 1 b INTRODUCTION TO THE BUSINESS OF GARAGE SALES The business opportunity that exists so that you can make more money than anyone else at garage sales. The 6 critical steps to running a successful garage sale because mastering these 6 steps is the difference between on OK garage sale and a great one. The critical order of events so that you do not make these common rookie mistakes that could literally save you thousands of dollars over your garage sale career. Inside Youbll Discover. VIDEO 2 b WHEN TO HAVE YOUR GARAGE SALE The two critical factors you MUST consider to ensure you hold your garage sale on a date that will enable you to get your customers to spend heavily with you. Which dates to avoid so that your garage sale does not turn into a damp squib. Ensure that you have all the legal issues covered so that you are always on the right side of the law (and your neighbours). Inside Youbll Discover. VIDEO 3 b GARAGE SALE INVENTORY What products you can sell on a garage sale. The answer will surprise and delight you! The best type of products to sell and whether you should specialise in any particular product line. You will then become the expert in your neighbourhood in your chosen product lines. Where to get the products for your garage sales. This will allow you to effortlessly collect enough inventory to have a monster sale every time you decide to have one. Monster sales mean monster profits! How to ensure you find every piece of bjunk in your house for your first garage sale. I promise you that you will uncover stuff to sell in places that you never would have thought to look without these powerful suggestions. The 6 best places to get inventory after you have sold all your own stuff. Make sure your sales are always well stocked and the focal point of your neighbourhood And much much more Inside Youbll Discover. VIDEO 4 b GARAGE SALE PRICING PRICING YOUR INVENTORY The two different reasons for your sale and the effect that this will have on your pricing. You will be able to price correctly depending on the ultimate objective of your sale. Easily determine the best price to charge for any item. Never be stuck with not knowing how to price an item and make sure you always get the most money you can for all your goods. A list of rookie pricing errors to avoid. Make sure that you get top dollar for your stuff but that at the same time your goods are also priced to sell so that you are not still left with them after the sale. How to price new goods still in their packaging. People will often pay more than you think for this. What price range is the best for fast sales. You will be able to get everyone at your sale to buy from you, even if they did not intend to (this is great for sucking in the men whose wives drag them along to these sales!) Whether you should show a price on each item or not. This is vital as getting it wrong will cost you A LOT of sales. How to give yourself bwiggle room in your pricing to deal with hagglers. If you know this in advance you will be at an advantage in the haggle negotiations! You will also know whether you can sell bulk items to professionals and still make a profit. Some inside secrets on how to deal with hagglers. Turn the tables on them by making them feel that they got the best deal! And much much more Inside Youbll Discover. VIDEO 5 b DISPLAYING YOUR GARAGE SALE INVENTORY How to plan a professionally merchandised sale. Why not copy the major retailers because if it is good enough for Wal-Mart, it will certainly be good enough for your sale. Your customers will love the fact they have enough space to browse without feeling claustrophobic. How to logically group items together. This will increase your sales because it will encourage your customers to buy more because they can find all of the related products in one place. How to bpackage items together to make more sales. This will ensure that you do not get stuck with a few bunrelated things that you have to throw awaylook after the pennies! The best way to display many different types of items. Your customers will be impressed because they will be able to clearly see all of your merchandise, which obviously will result in more money for you. How to safeguard small expensive items as well as breakables. Any loss should be avoided and these are the biggest risks to a successful sale. Which items to put at the entrance to create an enticing display. This will make people stop their cars to come and look at your sale because the curiosity will just kill them if they donbt! And much much more Inside Youbll Discover. VIDEO 6 b GARAGE SALE ADVERTISING How to plan a comprehensive advertising campaign. The success of your entire sale depends on this. Make sure you have as many people as possible at your sale and make sure they come to you first while they still have money! I will show you a whole bunch of FREE ways to advertise your sale. This will help get to customers whome you ordinarily may not have. When to start your advertising. Make sure you get the best value for money and that youbre advertising is not wasted. The best way to craft your ads for the different advertising mediums. You will be able to get the maximum exposure from each medium. The minimum information that you will need for classified ads, flyers posters and signs. Make sure your customers know exactly where to find you and what to expectyou will have them flocking to your sale in droves. How to design the most effective posters and signs. This is NOT OBVIOUS and can significantly affect the number of people that end up at your sale. This may be worth the price of this course alone! The best types of materials to use for your signs. Make sure that your signs stay up in inclement weather. They are no good if they get blown down or destroyed by rain! How to design and distribute effective flyers. This is a very powerful and underutilized advertising medium which will allow you have an advantage over all of your competitors (who probably do not use these techniques). How to reuse your advertising material. If you do multiple sales, this will save you a fortune! Some unusual ways to draw attention to your sale. Make sure your sale stands out amongst all the sales in your neighbourhood. How you can often sell out all or a lot of your stock BEFORE your next sale. In some cases you may not even have to go through the trouble of holding a sale at allthink of all the time you will save while still getting paid! And much much more Inside Youbll Discover. VIDEO 7 b THE GARAGE SALE ITSELF How to decide on the opening and closing times for your sale. There is an important consideration for the opening time that you MUST know otherwise the success your sale may be compromised. Why you need a separate sales table and where you should put it. This will help you keep total control of your sale while safeguarding your money. A detailed discussion of security. It is better to be safe than sorry and a bit of planning can take all of the unpleasant security concerns out of play so you can just relax and enjoy your sale and focus on your customers. A checklist of things to have on the day of the sale. Make sure that you do not get caught without important things, such as enough change, that will turn your sale day into a nightmare. And much much more... Inside Youbll Discover. VIDEO 8 b ACCOUNTING AND RECORD KEEPING FOR YOUR GARAGE SALE I will show you how to put a simple accounting system together. As I am an accountant I will explain this simple system to you in bENGLISH and not in the silly language that no one else other than accountants understand! How to include ALL of the costs into your accounting system. A This is important because people often forget certain costs and thus do not get a true reflection of how much money they made. You want to ensure that all of your efforts were well rewarded. How to correctly account for other peoplebs stuff that you sold on your sale. It will make it easy for you to know what was sold and thus what you owe your customer and what your commission should be. Give you Excel spread sheets to use to make these accounting tasks simple. Once you have set up the spread sheets, the accounting will take care of itself! And much much more Inside Youbll Discover. VIDEO 9 b MIND YOU GARAGE SALE BUSINESS How to keep your garage sale business on a sound footing to ensure that you never get into trouble with the authorities because your affairs will always be up to date. A number of ways to improve your garage sale results so that you can develop into a garage sale Power Seller. The many different avenues of growth and expansion open to you. Once you establish a sound basis for your business you can expand this business beyond your wildest dreams! And much much more bORDER GARAGE SALE BLUEPRINT RIGHT NOW AND GET INSTANT ACCESS b RISK FREE! Our 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee I stand behind all my products. I am so confident that this program will work for you that If, after 60 days, you donbt feel this Program has enabled you to run a profitable garage sale b you should not pay anything! You will receive a full no questions asked refund. All the pressure and risk is on me. You have absolutely nothing to lose. So you can either: A)A A A� Do nothing and not take actionbut you will continue to get the poor results you always have or B)A A A A� You can take action now and be earning a great income within the next 30 days and instantly order my priceless package which you can download right away. Not only are you getting the GARAGE SALE BLUEPRINT SYSTEM with absolutely no riskI want to sweeten the pot for you I could easily sell this quality information for $97which is more than fair considering the change that this information, properly used, will make to your life in the next 30 days. Click the order button right now to lock in your order to get instant access to your course, it will only be $27! Thatbs right only $27! Do this while you still canI am testing my price points, so take advantage now while you still can. I suggest that you take advantage of this INSANELY LOW PRICE because I am not sure how long I will be able to keep it at this price. I reserve the right to change this price at any time without prior warning! Take Action and Get Started Now. Not Tomorrow, Order now! Only $27 if you order today! IF YOU ORDER NOW, I WILL ALSO INCLUDE THESE AWESOME BONUSES! THE COMPLETE COURSE ON MP3! MP3bs of all of the videos so that you can listen to them when it best suits you. Do not waste another momentuse it in the car or at the gym It has been shown that as many as 90% of people who purchase books or other courses never even listen to them, never mind apply them! I do not want this to happen to you and this is why I am making the MP3s available to you. This will enable you to listen to them while you are doing other things so you do not have to find any extra time to do it. This may be the most valuable addition to this course! THE COMPLETE COURSE IN A CONVENIENT EBOOK FORMAT! Many people also like the written word in addition to the video because it makes it very easy to find things when you just want to brush up on one or two points in the course You will also get an Excel spread sheet which will help you with accounting for your garage sales as well as help you calculate commissions that may be due to your customers I will also throw in a detailed interactive checklist to make sure that nothing is forgotten b this will make your garage sales stress free and enable you to make the most money possible. The checklist has a built in percentage completion calculator so you will always know how much you still have to do! ORDER NOW TO SECURE YOUR COMPLETE GARAGE SALE BLUEPRINT. TO RECAP, YOU WILL GET ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: Yes James! I understand that I will get the complete video course consisting of 10 videos (nearly 3 hours of brilliant content). Yes James! I understand that I will get all of the MP3bs of all of the videos so that I can listen to them when it best suits me. Yes James! I understand that I will get the complete course in a convenient PDF format for quick reference. Yes James! I understand that I will get get an Excel spread sheet which will help me with accounting for my garage sales as well as help me calculate commissions that may be due to my customers. Yes James! I understand that I will also get a detailed interactive checklist with a built in percentage completion calculator. Yes James! I am ready to start learning how to make a boat load of money with Garage Sale Blueprint and everything I need is included in the course. I will also get immediate access via digital download. Yes James! I also understand that if I am not happy with this video training then I can ask for my money back even 60 days from now! Only $27 if you order today! P.S. This course will change your life if you take action now. You know that this is a real business and not some pie in the sky nonsense because there are literally thousands of garage sales held all over the world every weekend. P.P.S. Take advantage of the ridiculously low price because I do not know how long I will be able to keep it at this insane price!
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