Saturday, 1 June 2013

Book About Bipolar Disorder Husband | Bipolar Disorder Wife

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Book About Bipolar Disorder Husband | Bipolar Disorder Wife
Book About Bipolar Disorder Husband | Bipolar Disorder Wife #shopp ul.products li.product { width: 33%; } /* For grid view */ Book About Bipolar Disorder Husband | Bipolar Disorder Wife Are you married to a Bipolar Husband or a Bipolar Wifeb
Are you involved in a bipolar relationshipb
Stop walking on eggshells. Stop doubting yourself and wondering,
What can I do to make this relationship better..b
Heres Your Answer Book if
You Are Married To a Bipolar Husband or a Bipolar Wife
PleaseTake a moment to find out how you can restore hope about your future. Discover all the answers youve been searching for about how to love and help a bipolar husband, bipolar wife or bipolar partner
Dear Friend and Fellow Spouse of a Bipolar Partner,
Finally, Theres A Bipolar Book for Stressed-Out Spouses
IA™m Elizabeth Atlas, author of the new book, AœMarried To Mania: Jumping the Shark* Without a Seatbelt.A ItA™s a funny title for a topic that is far from funnyheartbreaking, in fact.
This book is about how to find your footing with a bipolar husband or bipolar wife and preserve your sanity in a marriage or relationship thatA™s built on quicksand. Your bipolar husband or bipolar wife may make you feel that everyday is a new dawn. Deep down you know nothing in your past has prepared you for what will happen in your bipolar marriage today, tomorrow or next year.
Its a given: You love your bipolar wife or bipolar husband very much. Bipolar is not one of the top 10 adjectives you use to describe the love-of-your-life to other people. Bipolar Disorder may not even be in the top 100!
But if youre like me, bipolar disorder is on your mind all the time. Your bipolar radar flashes when you second guess your bipolar husbands financial decision making. Your bipolar radar arms when your bipolar wife drowns you in love and affectionbecause you know, very soon, youll be hunkered down protecting yourself from a painful verbal assault and threats of divorce.
Many times I diagnosed my own condition as PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). But it wasnt Post. It is ongoing. So I decided to stop the madness on my part and learn how to fish or cut bait.
I learned how to handle my problem of how to be married to a bipolar husband. Then I wrote a book to help other husbands, wives and partners, married to Bipolar Disorder (yes, it does seem that way most of the time!), who are caught in the same love/chaos/trauma drama I was in.
This is the book youll read when youA™ve already read
the hundreds of other websites, books and newsletters,
attended all the bipolar support groups and workshops and
exhausted the patience of your friends and family
and you still donA™t have answers for YOU
about the best way to be married to a bipolar husband or a bipolar wife.
Let me Repeat: The chaos in your relationship is not your fault.
When you love a bipolar husband or bipolar wife, your relationship is not on a level playing field with other loving relationships or marriages youve admired.
The relationship problem-solving skills that you learned from your relationship role models: your parents, your friendseven TV couples like Lucy and Ricky dont work in your marriage. Those relationshipsyes, even the fantasy TV storylines (!)will never have the same roadblocks and heartaches that you tackle every single day of your life with a bipolar husband or bipolar wife.
How much do you REALLY know about Marriage To a Bipolar Spouseb
Even if youve read a few books, surfed online and gone to a few support groups, you are no match for your bipolar husband or bipolar wife. In fact, you are at a tremendous disadvantage.
You Are in Bipolar Psychology Kindergarten
Your bipolar husband or bipolar wife has a PhD in Bipolar Disorder. This degree may not help him find a cure or steer him toward acceptance of his illness, but hes been through a lifetime of mental machinations that you will never understand or keep pace with. Its downright exhausting!
Here Are Just a Few of the Questions My Readers Have Asked Me
About Marriage to a Bipolar Husband or BiPolar Wife (And My Response!)
Why do their moods change to where you absolutely do not believe they love you and you wonder whether or not theyre even capable of loveb
We have raging arguments and were not very close. How can I get him to understand and accept that he has a problem and go get helpb
Nine months after I divorced my bipolar husband, he killed himself by hanging. He was sober and this depressed cycle wasnt different from hundreds of others hed been througheven when he was off his medication. How could I have knownb
Think about it:
Havent you already done everything you could think of,
plus more, to create a happy marriage to your bipolar spouseb
Your in-laws think youA™re an angel; your friends think youA™re nuts. You donA™t know what to believe anymore but you know somethingA™s broken and needs to be fixed. NOW. TODAY.
The only thing left is to take some of that good lovinA™
youA™ve been dishing out, and spend it on yourself.
Married To Mania Is the Owners Manual
On How To Take Care of You
When Youre Married To a Bipolar Husband or Bipolar Wife!
My Story
My husband was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder at age 40, one year before I met him. (Hes now 55.) Prior to that, I had never known anyone with mental illness (who goes around talking about itb) and there was no evidence of it in my family (did you know theres a genetic componentb)
I spent 3 years in denial, 5 years in therapy, 7 years in intense research to figure this illness out and 13 years doubting myself and beating myself up, knowing that if I could be a better wife, then You fill in the blank.
If youre like me, you probably already have. Despite mountains of reading, exhaustive web searches, many support groups and discussions with my husband, I always felt terribly alone in my struggle.
Where were the other husbands and wives of Bipolar spousesbbb I never met any. I never read about them. There were only 2 or 3 in my support groups. And they werent interested in forming a band of brothers. I felt totally isolated and helpless.
Albert Einstein said, The definition of insanity
is doing the same thing over and over
and expecting different results.
Al was a very wise man. So I decided to try a new approach. And it worked for me! When I say worked, it didnt solve my husbands bipolar disorder. But it saved ME!
There is only ONE ANSWER for saving people like us who are married to mania.
I identify and explain all the options in my book. In the Married To Mania E-book or printed copy (your choice), I give you a plan to grab back control of your life. YouA™ll learn concrete ideas for handling unexpected mood swings, uncontrollable outbursts of anger, inevitable guilt and remorse (yours and theirs), and the devastating emotions youA™ll have when you realize that the life partner youA™ve chosen is no longer the person you married. Here Are the Facts: The divorce rate is 2 to 3 times higher for families with mental illness than in the general population (which is already 50% and rising!)
60% of Bi polars have drug, alcohol substance abuse problems or other addictions like internet pornography 1 in 6 of those with Bipolar Disorder commit suicide Think You Can Beat These Odds,
And Stay Married To Your Bipolar Husband or Bipolar Wife
Without any Outside Helpbbbb
Hows that Been Working out so Farbbb Thank you for the book. I just downloaded it, and I know from reading the forward that I have reached a resource I have been unable to find elsewhere for coping for life with my BP wife.I am on page 79 of your book. Its like looking in a mirror. Ive never met anyone else going through these same issues-it certainly is encouraging to feel like Im not the only one in this boat! M.P., Indiana The most significant learning that psychotherapists like me receive comes from the personal experiences of those individuals who have lived it. In AœMarried to Mania,A author Elizabeth Atlas does just that. Her book is rich in conveying the critical issues that real people face when coping with Bipolar Disorder. She provides a much needed perspective plus practical advice, hope and help for spouses coping with a partnerA™s mental illness. I strongly recommend this book! Joanne Wolf Small, M.S.W. As much as you may love your bipolar husband or bipolar wife, your future will be seriously altered by having this person in your life. Whether you decide to stay in your relationship, or cut the ties and move on, you must base your decision on facts, not emotions. And thats exactly what Ill show you how to do in Married To Mania.
How many times have you asked yourself these questionsb What can I do to make our relationship less stressfulb
Will he ever get betterb
Will she ever be able to stop taking her medicineb
Why cant I convince him to trust meb
Will I ever be able to trust himb
Why is he so hard on everyone around him who loves himb
How can I predict when her mood swings will occurb
How can I protect my childrenb
Should I marry my bipolar girlfriendb My manic depressive boyfriendb
Should I divorce my bipolar husbandb
I love him. Is there any hope for usb Ive made ordering Married To Mania very simple.
You have 3 choices on how to absorb this new information
in the way that you learn best: E-Book in Adobe PDF format (downloadable instantly if you choose this option)
Hard-Copy Printed and Bound Report
A Bundle of both And I have 3 Bonus Gifts for you, too!
BONUS #1: FREE SHIPPING when you purchase the Married To Mania Bundle. (The Bundle includes the instant downloadable e-book and the hard-copy printed book will be mailed to you so you can flag pages, highlight important passages and rip out the checklists)
BONUS #2: The Partners Definitive Guide To a Bipolar Disorder Vocabulary ($29 Value) This is a must-have resource to learn the proper words to identify side effects, medications and episode symptoms so you can talk intelligently with the psychiatrists and mental health professionals. Its just one weapon in your arsenal to help you combat what I call the Medical Industrial Complex who are DECIDEDLY NOT on your side. BONUS #3: The Spouses Bi Polar Disorder Million Dollar Rolodex, (Priceless!) a compendium of organizations, publications, articles, websites and books citing all the latest research in psychiatry, psychology and family therapy on Bipolar Disorder. It includes a special section on self-help resources for spouses (not the touchy-feely kindthe real action-plan kind that can help you stay sane and functional anddare we say itthrive in your marriage to mania.)
Married To Mania lays out more than 15 proven concepts youll want to read or listen to over and over again so you can practice new behaviors that I guarantee will make your life more livableregardless of whether you stay with your bipolar partner or leave him. (I say him, but these strategies are for any spouse or significant other: husband or wife, girlfriend or boyfriend of a bipolar partner.) I was looking for ways my son could cope with being married to a bipolar person. This book answered many questions. My son hopes to use some of the suggestions the author names. Im happy I found this book on the Internet, and I want everyone to read it! Ruth, Wyoming My book, Married To Mania and the bipolar information it covers
is for anyone who cares so much about a sick bipolar husband or bipolar wife
that theyre putting their own mental health and well-being at risk. If youre reading this website, that means YOU! So Or call me personally (and confidentially) to order by phone at +1-314-485-4350 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE IF NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED
I have been where you are now. Searching for answers but never really finding the ones that will help you understand or deal realistically with the situation of marriage or a relationship to someone with bipolar disorder. I know you dont want to spend more time and money if this book turns out to be another dead-end that makes you feel even more alone and un-helped.
So I offer you this guarantee. If for any reason Married To Mania is not what you were looking for, if it does not meet your standards for quality information, if it does not help you lighten the emotional load youre carrying being married to a bipolar husband or bipolar wife or if it doesnt assist you in making tough decisions, just let me know, and Ill give you a 100% refund on your purchase.
I will not ask you to explain yourself to justify your refund. (You do not need anymore stress in your life! I am here to bring enlightenment, not add to your burden.) With a simple request, Ill refund 100% of your purchase price for up to 1 year after your purchase date. I promise.
How can I offer such a generous return policyb Because hundreds of people in horrible emotional pain have already read my book, and Ive only issued a handful of refunds. (I dont ask why.)
And I have received the most appreciative emails from readers of this book (along with lots of tears and very sad stories.) So I know my information has helped husbands, wives, partners, parents, fiancees who were exactly where I was being married to a bipolar husband without any resources.
Why wait one second moreb Why continue to suffer in silence when the vital information you want is so easily accessible as soon as you place your orderb * The term jump the shark refers to that defining moment when you know that your relationship has reached its peak. Its the instant you knowfrom now onits all down hill and out of your control, and things will never be the same. The phrase actually comes from knowing the episode when your favorite TV show went bad, but the concept fits perfectly for potentially doomed relationships, too.
Copyright 2006-2011 Magnolia Press. All Rights Reserved. { 10 comments read them below or add one } Laraine Moore
April 21, 2011 at 4:02 am I have been married to my Bi-Polar husband for almost 17 years and it has been in the last 2 years that I have exasperated myself and given up to the point that I just dont care about him. I have been abused physically and mentally, left and come back, lost my family because of him, his thinks Im great. Im now 62 aand he is almost 50 and my health is totally failing with so many medical diagnosis but he shows no sense of caring. He sleeps 20 hours a day and the doctor doesnt seem to worry. I feel like I am in a sinking liferaft(he weighs 356lbs) trying to bail out the water with a spoon and just dont know whether to dive into the water or just drown. Those are my thoughts and would love your book but both of us survive on SSD and cant afford even all my RXI make sure I get his though. Just wanted you to know you sound like your book will help many.
Laraine Moore in NC.
Reply Elizabeth Atlas
May 25, 2011 at 2:10 pm Laraine, you sound worn out. Please try to take care of yourself and put yourself first as often as you can, especially when it comes to your own health.
Reply melissa ray
June 7, 2011 at 12:15 am Sure wish I had the money to order this I am at my wits end, I love and hate my bipolar husband, have lost all my family do to his addictions and swings, He also has issues with spending money as soon as he gets it. Divorce is nearly impossible as I have no way to provide for myself and three kids, one with autism.
Reply Elizabeth Atlas
June 7, 2011 at 9:16 am Melissa, I know that feeling well, unfortunately. Try making a list of all the things you can do. It sounds like youve been in your marriage awhile, so theres no quick fix for getting to a happy placeno matter if you won the lottery tomorrow (ie., hell still be the father of your children). Once you have your list, put a timeline to it. In other words, how long will each item take you to dob Then see which ones you can start on now. Even if you dont totally resolve all your problems, youll feel better because youll feel like you have some control of your situation. Good luck! Elizabeth
Reply Yvonne
June 30, 2011 at 8:14 pm Im looking for the book on Amazon via Kindle, is it available that wayb
Reply Elizabeth Atlas
July 4, 2011 at 10:06 am What a great suggestion. I do not have the book Kindle-ready, but I will look into it. Thank you. E
Reply wendy
December 29, 2011 at 8:20 pm I have been married to my husband for 13 years and lived with him for 5 years before we were married. My husband had several affairs and left me and my children 3 times while we were together also he would get drunk and because he would become mean I would tell him not to drink. He would want to fight and when I would try to keep him from drinking he would get into the car and go buy more to drink. Being married I went with him to his home state right before he retired and right before katrina hit he told me he was leaving us because his family got him to do it. My child and I became homeless and I was embrassed to let my family know so I stayed in a shelter and endure things I could have never imagined would happen. I dont drink, smoke, do drugs look at pornography but because of all the abuse over the years I have alot of anxiety stress and some anger due to the things Ive endured. Why cant some of these problems be due to hormonal problems and the above I gave and not bi polar. People are quick to make people out to be sick or crazy my husband and my 2 children tell me I have a problem other than the natural problems that come with the economy, debt, community and surroundings and mainly my spouse over the years. Not everyone is bi-polar stop drugging people up and dulling them instead of understanding and listening to why they feel or act they way they do. Maybe some serious family or marriage counseling to find out the cause instead of covering up the symtoms with drugs or label someone that is not crazy or sick but just mentally stressed. Even the strongest people have their weakest points in time. Everyone in Hollywood is addicted to prescription drugs that is the way they cope with their crazy life but in the end those drugs will killed them and even the strongest minds in hollywood have and do go crazy from alchol and drugs.
Reply Lisa
March 24, 2012 at 10:40 am I am the one who suffers from this awlful illness they call BiPolar. I remember being 5 years old knealing on the kitchen floor with my mom holding me while she cry uncontrolably while my dad leaving for good and the back door slamming. Wow! What that does to a child. My mom had me and my brother in her teens. My dad would make promises to come and see us, so we would wait by the window and sometimes he would come and others nothing! I felt disappointment, confusion, dispair. What was wrong with me. My parents were good parents. They worked hard. Taught us to be nice, accept others, look past the wrongs that they did unto others. My mom remarried a man with two girls and he eventually adopted us. He drank, his ex caused lots chaos and she would tell her two daughters to act up when they came to our house ( I felt bad for my little step sister), his business put my mom in debt, he treated my brother like idk just no time or loving. It all sucked! Yeah there were good times. We had a cute little house that my mom made into a loving home the best that she could. I remember I was always on an up and down emotional roller-coster. Never knowing what was going to happenin when I got home. If it was gonna be a calm night or yelling. Was I gonna have to be the one to calm my dad while my mom emotionally shut down. Would I have to be the one who sat in my brother room after he had been screamed at by my dad or hit and sit by his bed and talk to him for hours while he said nothing just to let him know someone cared. School was so hard for me. I felt stupid there. I was so quiet, shy and too scared to ever ask for help. I would sometimes just sit there and so many times my notebooks were made of my daily lists of what I was going to do when i got home. I would label the top of the page then list -homework-dust-vacuum-peel carrots etc. You get the picture. I guess I needed stability and among all the chaos in my life and my head I found it in lists and organizing. I found that when I did those 2 things I could feel and function better. I guess that was my way of surviving for many years.
At 15, I met a boy and fell madly in love well I thought.He was a nice person and had his own issues as we all do and in his own childhood there was not much love shown there. I had no self esteem. At 20 got pregnant with him and had a little girl. He had cheated on me a few times before and I on him once cause I was hurt that he had done it to me not because I was on a bipolar high. Even knowing that he had cheated I still stayed cause I felt I deserved no better. I finally left and moved back home now parents are divorcing finally. At 21 due to so much stress and on Good Friday the darkess day of the year some say I tried to commit suicide. It was one turning point in my life on my road to many of lifes lessons.
I thank GOD everyday that I survived.
I wish I could of seen and felt back then as a small child that I was special.
Ive been married for 14years now to a man who I know loves me but he has been the one who has been bringing out my illness. I finally realized that after searching and wondering what was wrong with me. Why am I not good enough for anyone. I cant make anyone happy. How come no one hears ME. He keeps telling me to tell him what I need and it falls on deaf ears. He is a workaholic! The only way he pays attention is if he takes me away to some vacation or out to dinner. Everything is always on his terms. Everyone feels love in a different way. He feels love by spending time with me. I feel loved when I am heard or when projects that were started get done. I have supported him when he chose to quit his job and started his business and now another business. I trusted him. We have 3 children. A son with ADD,anxiety Oppositional Definant. A daughter with ADHD,anxiety and Oppositional and auditory processing issues. Our oldest daughter with a weight issue. Not once has he picked up a book, suggested going to support groups, gone to the gym, followed thru on plans. I the BIPOLAR MOTHER have had to search countless books, websites, doctors and I have tried so many different things and have changed myself so many different times that the stress and the chaos of the arguing has triggered the ups and downs so many times I cant even count.
I just thank GOD that he has been the stronger one in all of this because in this thing we call life of BiPolar Illiness I have found GOD, strength, faith, that its not my fault, Im not a failure, I am somebody, that the choices we make do have to be thought out, Im a good mom, this journey has taught me so very much and I understand why I had to go thru all that i did and it has made me a better person, always go thru life with youe eyes wide open, cherish the little things. Just because someone is Bipolar does not mean they are incapable. Its funny how I am the bipolar one in this marriage and I am the one for the past 15yrs that has been doing the searching to make it better and I hope he is ready to finally be my support system that he says.
Reply Elizabeth Atlas
March 29, 2012 at 6:28 pm Lisa, I acknowledge your pain over so many years. But you keep trying and learning, and thats what counts. We only feel worthless when we dont have purpose in our life. Sounds like your bipolar allows you to be very high functioning to take care of your family. Youre lucky. One insight I can give you is that often someone with bipolar is able to process their surroundings and situations about 10X faster than the rest of us well people. You may be interpreting that as a lack of attention to you. I know sometimes I had to walk away or go away because my husband would just overwhelm me with his stream of ideas and thoughts. My poor ole brain couldnt handle so much input. We all have *things.*
Reply Lea Marie
March 24, 2012 at 11:01 pm Oh, this sounds so familiar. I am married to a BiPolar man (forty years). The illness runs in his family, although he is the only one diagnosed correctly. My husband initially, when diagnosed, was taking his medication correctly, seeing his counselor and psychiatrist regularly, and we seemed to be making progress. However, it seems lately that everything is going wrong. Our children and other family are not supportive and my husband has chased away most family and many friends, leaving me without a support network. I have stood by him and until recently, been happy to do so. However, I have become tired of giving and now seeing my husband excuse his behaviors as beyond his control. He can be very charming for others, but take everything out on me. I just cannot do this all alone. It is really exhausting to be blamed, attacked, alone, and so tired all the time. I have tried having my own counselor, but it is very difficult to disclose the ups and downs of my days and then go back and face them after the emotional impact of talking about how difficult they are. I need happiness and friends and I so miss that guy I married. I know he will never return as he was; that he is somewhere in my husband, but I feel I am losing ME. I do not like who I am becoming. I am upset my family has left me to deal with such a large burden all alone, and yet, who could blame themb
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